Show y 1 1 How to Stage a Record Endurance Flight 1 v 4 44 p 4 4 4 4 xI t r f i 8 j r rG G 4 w r vs l ti 7 4 4 j 4 S fr 4 4 v 4 t A b e I 41 i it t. Two thousand feet above ab a Chicago X flying field J J. J A A- A staff taff s cmel cameraman mn for The Telegram gram and nd NEA Service leaned perilously aly over the side of a com companion compani pani n plane and took these rem remarkable aerial shots a few minutes after John and Kenneth Hunter brothers had hd broken the thil world record for endurance were continuing on on- on aft after ft r nearly three thre weeks in the a air r. r In the upper picture K Kenneth n is i. triumphantly displaying a sign reading We Broke It ItI In the lower Jower picture re he is i. sh shown wn lon on on the af alk making an ana a adjustment on the motor The wom woman n is ia Mrs Id Ida H Hunter moth mother r of the tha two fliers flier an t Ir two brothers brother who compose tho the refueling crew v i |