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Show UaKemais Ua9derii?s, ODD INCIDENTS OK KOUISION TKAV11I, AND . . . ODSISKVA'IMON. An I.1..MV -'" "'"" P.r-l-l.li.M lire!.,, , ;, Al. . n, .r,.. ... .., .h- .... ...,. of .U.h.rn,,. Londos, Jw. , RM 1 foi""1 ,llm n" alone at a tiblo In a snuj liUlo rtstaur-ant rtstaur-ant of shidowy Mercery I.ano nt ancient Csnterbur). Ho was a mite of n thing, but an old oung lad, seemingly already al-ready broken by all the sorrow s '""0' tatedoldage. Ill attlru was rich, but lil) Kick was humped, his legs crc crooked and spindled, his checks were sunken nndl.lsc)cs were crossed I ami cer. Tears were gently ttlck'ing down his face. I could not cat my food until I bad asked him If bo was in trouble. Oh sir," he said In the tt cctcst tones II ever heard from a boy's lips, and as If completely overcome by bis situation itml unexpected human mpathy, 'I with I was ilcul and burled! ' Pressing him for further explimllon, with tho hope of allying bl childish troubles, he continued In a scared, bunted way "I am lord , the) tell inc. Hut I nev cr saw my father My mother is a beautiful lad), but they only let mu seu her once a )eir, anil then she cries and Icr,and it Is dreadful when she goes awsy," ".hy be jousiw nurse High)? Nurse High) minds me, and tin. mike me live with her, and say she must keep mc until un-til I am n Krcnt lord. Hut she drinks mid beats me. She's drinking to ill), sir, and I m sure slit. II almost kill me. Oh, sir, A tike mc to America, mil let me be phln and much and happv llkn all tho bo)S I seel Tliero sho is, sic I I lease, fltatc ilon t till her, sill" As ht piteous ly spoku a huge moun tain of flesh slid down n stilrwa) and reeled bun tho room it was nurse Digb) Her dress was illslicvcled, lier wrappings wcro upside down, her hit, n tossing sci of ft allien mid llowirs, wis ver) iiiui-Ii nwry hhe wis mure than "cheer)." bhchad passed the iinrrcl-some iinrrcl-some stage uf diink iuti) the region of bland I latitude In n moment we loitunilcl) got the best of her native suspicion an I cunning, she unbraced mc 11 a reward for suppositious friendliness, friendli-ness, an I It was somehow made clear lliat little milord had been brought down from I.omlon, ostensibly for n 1 homing" and to islt the cathedral but in rcihly tint nurse Digbj might revel wlihsuili as she, In the lime bans of filr. bop liden Kent '.Slu.ircsnilt.il" she blubbered, In turn tilling upon lilllemllord in imbecile protestation of nllicllon "I) L.by'11 stin' by a dear agin' world bho sh' wll, d(liic')arling m lord' A solum' tholdlers coiildn put usli not bunuer sousan', hrctty (blckl) deirl Gcn'lm' shears mc (htcl) sn heir 111 ' Then nurse Digby fell In a miss upon her clnrgc, the liltle nobleman shrieked Willi flight and piin, and his tormentor rollrd lulu a comfortiblc ball bencitli the nble Casting all thought of in) own lilt to the ciihrcdril aside, I at once summoned 1 carriage, c.ot Hie deformed toy and nurse Digoy Into it, ilrovo through the iiualnt old city up tho winding bill to tlm rillwiy station, and never let the- ill assorted pdr until 1 Ind Men Hum sifel) In thecirriage of n I. jndon bnunil triln. Hut I can never forget tint pour lid plndings tint I should rescue Win from the living dcith of bis hopcl m environment, nhd his while, desperate fn-c, as he crouched in bis si it like it scourged soul, still appealing while witching the humm animal, his endless tormentor, as she lay in temponry harmlessiiess upon the compartment Hour "Oh, sir, I shall remember ou, If I live to be a Lrcit lord!" were bis list words lint I licird as the tnln rolled awa). The hopeless Iragcd) It all re veiled has never left my he lit, and all Ihatsunii) afternoon In old Ciuterbuty town, the brisscs and slhclcs ol lliu great cathcilril could only be hilf discerned dis-cerned through Hie mists of ivcr-gallicr-ing tears. If sour tnvclsevcr bring you along thelilghwi)S and b)waya of llrittany, )ou must never expect huipltibt) of thu peas int people It Is tlieonl) foreign liud hi which I have wandered on foot where the stringer, nnd cspechllv the Antcilcan stringer, is not welcome among lowly folk with unquestioning cordtiilt) mid an almost nUccllonile ngard Call nt nroid 1dc cottige in llrlttiny andnsk fur food unci a ulghi'ashillir and the whob fitnlly will crowd Into the door lo obstruct )onr pusige Then they will sllenllv and sullenl) look )ou over. Whither front? Whither bound? If a foreigner, the) are even shrewd i nouch to demand ) our passport No vagabond deserter, nor ticket of-leivo man will they hirbor I inilly assured vou ara uonoof tlicsu, they set about birgainlng for the list sou they cut wring from )ou The food you are to Kit to the very color of the colTce Is set poucrfully ngalnst vour money. I heir own povert), their be illdcilng niimlier of chllilrin. the lonely road to the ncirc vlllige Inn, thcfict I nt at the next cottiEi tin y would prnhiblv murder mur-der ns well nsliliu you in, all ami murli moic is set forilt to nnko )ourbirgiln n bard one. ho, t o, the toothless old pensmt hag moiher while ejchig )ou askance, croons 1 1 Iter hushind n running run-ning fire of objections to the nrnnge mem, n few of which set ) on do it to )our fico us a villi inous spv, some wretch that Ins elicited thu gihnct, nnd certainly no less thin Hie thief of lire-Ion lire-Ion li tsciwhowii ciUKhtaiid flogged at the last horse fair nt II I olguct. They arc shrewd and cami), these simple folk, and they will inaki )ou ver, miserable until the price is set and paid down In hand for they will not truitoii with the sum until morning, lot )our ippcuancc belle your ability to pty but the liigubrioui trans letlon one iillle I and u few soui tcattered among the ciildien, wliuli aro lmmedlitely snatched awl) and hldilcn In the firmer s strong box, tho atmosphere suddenly cb uiges You ire the eucst now All the Inn keeping iiollleness, suivltyind attention of I'irls Itself arc ours, and until vou leave, cvrr) soul In tho cottage puts every other duty aside to minister unto )our wints and comfort com-fort There Is a ghb-tongued raven, the pride of n certain otherwise dclightM old fishloncd Inn beside Coveut I r-ilen, r-ilen, I oiulun, much fieipientcd I y Aniencin, against which nun) or ui who hive sum. red from Its ill timed speculitioiH and miledictlons possess feelings fir from a benign an 1 friendly diameter Pie morning after m) fust arrival at this hostelry, I wished to tike an early train for Drlgliton, and as no one, mvc en tcrmongrs and markit pur'crs, Is astlrln I undon before eight or nine o'cloek, I wis comnellid to awikcn and gctnwa) uhl out Hie pb isant fiirmihty of liclng cilled Anxious to not nil's liny trim, I hastily dr rrnded to tho ollicc lloor. Here I found the street-do street-do ir Mir, but the dining room, the olliec, tlio tcidin), room unl apparently all the minor offices vsete still closed ind dirk, and no servint wlnt-ever could then be summoned li call of voice or bell 1 he Idea of IcivinK tin hotel without reporting the lact worried inc. 1 began tiptoeing about In ipiciit ofsomebods. This of itself Impclle J i feeling of guilt anil lire id I wis late butltoccurtdto me tint 1 must taki along my iimbrclli. It stood with allien i i ihegnat Inlluiy lending to the dlnine, mum I somehow felt liken crimlnil ulicu npproicbiug th it umbrcll t stan I I falrl) Ircmhlul leit some suddenly uppeithig emi lo)ce should pounce upon mu when in the act of nlmracliiig my own umbrelli .Scarcely had I (,ct n firm bold of the hand c when this furl) shrieked ilimand r.iuir nut beside me 'Mio arc ju' who are vol? who are OI?' Icbiiiod Crane when pursued by the He tdless Horseman nevir flew ovir old I'ocinllco bridge fter Hi in, staitled nnd ihsmi)cd. I plu igednutol theplicc nnd into the dim ho uf n Soutbinipton strict pn lie ollu er 1 xpluuitions h I-lowed I-lowed I missed my train, but wis furunll) Introduced to the gleefully nnlik.il int riven whose slitlon was in lliuhillu i), whereat night its cage was covered witlisiiuelrivclirshan ly rug Hut 111 lrim.i prinriple of humm mtiin which flmN iiutlition of our own humiliation in the ciiibirnssment f others but the sime evening I almost forgive the vkiiushird for selecting as niiuibcr victim one of those particuiirl) njgnvatmg Aiii-ilcm femiles who prance an scold ab ul Hie worl I as pio lcssliui.il ' agitators ' The lid) wis big and trend and pompous t ftmihir figure, I am told, in the Kew I nglind Slites Wherever she moved she proceeded pro-ceeded in i series uf study pauses and snorts, is if to sa) "I piuse tint vou nu) hive opportunity to fully realize who I ami" She was pissing in tills minncr through the Inlluay to the dining room 'I he raven wis evidently imprcssid nnd unions He promptly shouted, almost hi her urs "Who ire jok' who arc vou? who arc YOU? ' The agitator was agllaled Trembling from rage sin wheeled and dioutH I 1 to tho oilier force and littering guest 'Who tfi I IHcss in, eve sbody oiitslda ol this dlsgnccful country knows wliu ill' Inislsan Jin I Hhall see Minister I iucoln nb i i I ncu she nticitlcall snorted her elf in to dinner , An irresistible but repressed outburst or laughter followed the conlr. temps As It died awn) 1 nolle d the raven crinlng Its neck to this slit ind lhat, and blinking demurcl) I lien it give its ugly beak n few smntt raps with its tlaws, sent an iinculhly whlsllo after ni) illsippcarlngcounlrywomin ind, is Itfinilly settled Itself lor a bit uf ipilct rcllccllon, purred hoirsel) but still sofll) and riiminitlvcly, "Hto arc onTtvho art vol? tho an ) Ul .Speaking of Inlcrcstine, Atncticms abroid reminds mc of a curious incident inci-dent of my recent )Cir' wandi rings in Irelmd. rout tho western slope l hid crossed Hio crags ol Carrantuohill ntountim to the Kltnrner) Ijikcs, at lis eastern bisc, crossed the. v igi mt Owen-reach Owen-reach riser, and, scrambling over hill nnd blither, fin ill) reached the great bighwiy iriiin Hint!)' nnd (ilcngirlll called Ihc "l'rlnce of Wales' Route ' Ironi Cork to the like region. Just wherotbis mignlliecnt roid first turns the imnmliln side, tnuilsts by longcar, or legs, arc given it firstgbmpse of the siirpisslng pinoriuu which at one sweep comprehends the grcit mountilns on cither side nnd the witching witch-ing likes between the most entrancing ol ill views ul Mllarnc). I wis silting here, rough, ragged mid lmclst lined, upon a ledge ol rocks, resting In Hie I sweet April day and drcimlull) cun leiupliling the scene before me when I u is pleasmtly disturbed to nflerwirds fust know by ictunl experience Hie substinti d rewards or a vagrant s life In totui'.t lands Hie long car filled with tourists and n smalt moimiiln of lumpers piled above Ho 'well between tho hinging side scats, lumbered up tho southern ascent from Kcnmarc. mid came to its custom-ar) custom-ar) ball to enable tourists lo cmry the unusual prospect. Among thepisscn. gcrs were n couple ol I tonlin graduates and an I ngbsb milord and mtlidy Willi their children and aerv mis, all ol whom were In an aggressive-defensive nttitude or silent scorn towards an Innocent pair from our uw n lov cd I ind I lie litis r were n hide bild, mil-hcipid mil-hcipid gcnllemin wlthn bent noddy bo',, suggesting a polished peddlu set in the end or a ban mi, and bis good honest Ami rican wife, twice his height nnd four times Ills j irth. 1 he man u as the embo limriit ol nervous nrtlvlty and enthusiasm the womiii, of ndiposa and reposi ntiil both, having dul) paid tliclr 'booking were plicluly oblivious ol the ethie d Injuries Ihc) hid Inlllcted all the wi) from Cork upon their fellow travelers 1 er body alighted but tho cdm American uomau. In serene cum posurc she watched her side of the long car settle nearly lo the ground, but she kept her se it 'Conic do wi, Maw, do" urged the little mm, bringing Into Instant use : pair of field-l uses, eich lube uf which was as luge us the ' Lone I lihcrni in's" stage telescope "Miw, this woudeiful, vtoiiiletrul, wonder lid"' At Hie siiiiii 1 or Ihcsc list three words milord wbinced, milady ihvaied her e)c brows, t le I tonlins readjusted their ejeglisses and the servants looked e'.inr.ilicd and t. rave, 'No, KUess 1 II let w ell enough alone," miiimured Hie little man s large wife "Maw, this Is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful ' irpc,ald the Vine i alt sis eeping the scene w llli his gl use fill log Hie I nglish delegation with another scries of shudderiiiKS, nnd backim, into in isle si ke oull slip un thu mill tlirre I'aw. If )ou don I use )uur t)cs ' ciutloncil the wife from the long car, ' ltless mc vc -wonderful wonder-fill, wonder-fill, wumletlul I'cuinlr) tight here In Ihc mountiiiKs See here, I'll, he continued con-tinued ad in -sing mc, ")oil good for nothing I) mite Itlslimui iton't deserve de-serve lbs wunilrrfiil kenlr) dirned If you dol "Thruclor )e, )er honor ' I replied I humbly, I "See tint, Maw? with ncunnlng wink I to his wife Thinks I'm onoo Hum tstje.li rollers. Well, well, wclll I'at, here's a a (juess Its a bill crown, or some thing 'r other There, now. bnee up Clo to my country. Get a clem shirt lie a i well, 'gil there I ' I "God bless )cr bouot " I responded, thinking him lieirtll). "Ma) (be top o' )ir hiaiincvir lolly vcr hall',' "Miw' sa, Maw' Did ou heir that Irish wit, by (oil)' Well ns-ll, I well' Wonderful, wondcrrul, wunderlul1 , I iiclong 'round here, I'm' "Made did I, I or agis ' Wonderful!- I I be LiikIIsIi contingent winced the wotthi milt gave me another shilling, and his good wife fruin Hie tilting long cir wished thu little mm 'wuulduli mike such a fuss over ever) poor cic i-lure i-lure In Ireland " Well, well, I'll, whit's the mine o' lint mounting'" "Carrantuuhlll s the nunc, tor " ' Some sort or cr story er legion aliout it I s'posc'" "Divil doubt that, Mir. Hut win moiinliln stud there at first, sor. SI l'.itrlck. nny nil the saints bliss him1 w is t trin' for Ivo bllh Sn one fine ' iiuiinlii' another Mud beside it ' : "Wondcrrul, woudeiful, wnndcrful ' I exclaimed Ihc AmerUiii, urllluu Hie same down on n business card as big ns Ids hind, while hlstrivelingcompanloiis writhed agihi. nd lint furdir one' 'lore sir Tore bekisc lint's a wild boar, nu')cll find 'cm Hiiro this blitscd j miiiulc, wltli tusks on 'cm thu length u' , ) er nrm, sor ' j 1 Goo lness griclousl Hut tint is I woudeiful Miw did )on hear tint? And tint mouutine. over there, I'll' ' "Mingirton, sor." "Jiss so, Kinder Dutch Inlnt il S'nosr some Dutchmm settled there, nndgirden'd it long ago eh' Won-' dcrful how these tilings stick to pliccs!" He had me there, and I should Invc broken clown entirely if milord wlthi loud Bull ns In which the undcrgnduitcs Joined hid not ascended Hit- cir nnd w jilt ill) suppressed snotlsnnd imlignn-Hon, imlignn-Hon, ordered the driver In procied This look rt) little friend from mc on the run, but after his ablcbodliil wife but drigKcd him from tliec.touud to bis seat on the long car and held him In it b) one irm, be turned nnd gcstlctihtlng iiilhuslisticilly with the other and the ficld-glisscs yelled from Ihc rpldly disupeiriir vehicle 'Come to my hotel, I'm' Don't know the n line, lies! one nnihow Wiul to know moic about this wonderful kcutrv Make it all right. Duuedir I ilonl!" I tlCMIt I., W'amuivn, |