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Show H l'Kom-siuniMf. H Asone of the agencies that is calcu- Iited to narrow If not extinguish thu iibatm between employer and work mso, between capital and labor, the J Ni.ua notes with much Interest the H mccese that Is attending tho uxerl- mentof profit-sharing. With a film H InBL John, N. II,, engaged In the business of brush aud broom manu- B facturlng, tho system operated so well H last year that It has boon renewud; aud B their ixperlcucs cught to be made H widely known, to tho end that others H may I lid to avail themselvea of tho H benefits It oilers to allouucerued. Tho H planofoperatlouala very simple, and H with n few minor variationals the aamo H. everywhere. Iu tho New lliuuewlck H factory It was aa follows: The larulngs H'4 of tho busluuH were divided betwien H capltul and labor In the roportlou H which the waged paid during tho year !and the capltul employed bore to each otber, after deducting Interest on capl. tal, salaries of managers, allowance for H depreciation of plant, and one per cent 1 for a pension or invalid fund for tbo B benefit of dlsablid imployts. The H, men received n dividend iijual to B about two per lent of thi Ir wages, and would huuricelved more except for R bad debts. The implojers any that H the men Iihto more than tamed thu H dividend by their extra euro and dill- H gence, aud such we belleu will bo tho H verdict wherever tin to la an honest B attempt at carrylug out the provisions B of the mutual coutiact. With rotlt BBBMb sharing In general practloo there would H be almost an tnd to strikes und lockouts H with nil thilr sccomiaujlug ixcessu sorrows. |