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Show ' Till: II Mi MAMlUK. 1 lite llccrpllon CoiiiiiiHIpk Appointed hjr (he I'm Huh. The hal mt'quo to tu given ly the Halt Lake l'rera club III thu Theater oil Valentine' eve promise to he tho (' groalcet event of the kind In the hU- :, toryol theclly, ThoaUalrlalutliubett ' of hand and I receiving every needed attention. There will he no Indltcrlm. lnateaaleof ticket, a they havo been i Riven to thoae who will only dlio of them to proper chnraoler. The reception committee I at follow: fol-low: Col. and Mra. William Hyde, Mr. und Mr. Allen (1. (.uuipboll, JiuIkokiuI Mr. C C (foodwln, Mr. mid Mra.Jno (J. Cannon, Mr. and Mr, llurauid Whllney, Major and Mr. (Ion. M. IMnney, Mr7 and Mr, llcbor M. Well. Mr. imdMr. (leo. :. lllulr, l Mr and Mr. Jno. D.Hpemer. Mr. unit Mr. W. N. Met) jrnhl., ! Mr. and Mr. J. II. llenno t, Mr, and Mr. Wendell !uion, Mr. und Mr, nieu Miller, Mr.amlMr. L. C. Miller. Mr. und Mr. (. J. Hill ory, Mr. end Mr. Johoi h Llppmno, Mr. mid Mr, lllcliiinl .liieklmoh, Cnpinlnand Mr. I'lilmer, !lr. uikIMih. I'ranklluM. lllchaidi, Mr. and Mr, l.lla A.Hiolth, Mr. and Mr. Jo.ephriliKel, Mr, and Mra. Arthur llrmwi, i ', Mr. mid Mr. II l. Ilruniiloo, Mr. 1'. II. Umiaii, Mr I). II Hurley, Mr, i'red Auirbueh. The iiaiuea of the oom mittui from Duden, I,ogn, I'arls City aud 1'rovo i lll bo nuuo'jncod next ueuk. 1 The Union l'aclllo und Itlo CI rami b IViilom have made ft epedul rale of me fate for the round trip to nil per- una holding l'rc club ticket ut UigaD, OKdea aud 1'rovo. |