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Show praiT ("footprints." M Were thej Really Hide by Feet or by Hand? H A 1111t11vM.ii: wnv. H Iho ".em" Iirntr the Slflctw, tin H Ittad-ra Mnjr Drw Iho H I'oncluil ml. M KiNOSit, Mlllaril Gountr, m Janutry Dm, 1803. H Jililor Dttettt Newr. m I tivotm s.iko.1 by friend In rill H mors to wrltn fur iiubllcstlon whnt I H know about tli footprints In the rock H notr to tis srtm al tli olllcsof tils H WorlJ's j"lrcoranilslotilutli(i lljoly H block, Halt Uko City. My frlenJ hai H tweii applltJ to for tlio Information, H and knowing that 1 wai somewliat B posted through IIvInk hart, I will glYe H my tIbit on Iho nublrct through Hie H Nkws, wtitreeverj-ij will tea It. H About one aud half ntllei duo wcat H from Kauoih, dliconnecteJ with any B other, la a black lara mountain, two or H three liunJretl feet tiltfta, cully H cllmbeJ from Iho south and out, H but on tho north It Is nlmoit H perriendlcutar, and, at IU bate are H tctttered frir.mts nt rock of varloui H lite, soma Tory lame. From iuu ol H thraa fragments the footprint wrre H taken cut out n year or so alnoo by H partita coming from another town H Tlieeoplo lure fill quite outraged at H what wae comldertd a plccti of ran. H UalUm, we, your correspondent H among the rtwt,-To looked upoi tlieui H at genuine footprint uudo upon B plutlo matter, and there grew a kind H of tauctlflei wouUerlii our mlndi m to H whom and by whom the Impren wa H Mr, K. W. l'enny, ono of our oltl- H una, ourreapinded with the Bnillli H aotilan Inallluto about Iho footprluU, V and they lustruuted n Halt Lake pro. H lessor to tltll tli locality. TIm koii. H tlstnsu 0 alponed hit Tltlt, and the H -udl came aud CArrled otT the H trophy. H To oomply with the roquett of my H friend I got team and laduer and pro- H vailed on neighbor renuoy to go with H me on January "nd to the Ueaucraled H spot and Inretllgate, at rumor had It H that other foot print could be found, m Wo did Invrtllgtto and the remit H baa been In mutuadetlruolloiiof tho H plattlo theory. 1 am not a geologltt H norvcriid In archaeology; bulobaerv. M lion, aultteil by my llmlie J amount uf H human reatou, baidettruyad my Idoal M naluro'a Imprtat and replaied It H with a grottir work uf art. L Tnlt rock, the fragment tion which l footprints were fuucid, laUllea large 1 man. t meaturedlt from llivtop It it Hj Irregular la thipe and It meuurol H 1't feet by li! feet In the center, j i ait aud weti, north and south. My H lander Is 17J feet long; II did not reicii H the blghul part of the rook by at leatt H three feet, rilaudlug on the south shtu of Iho rock clone up It would louoh tli bottom put of a medium tltl mau't eit,lo Ing from that to lliu bate tonio lliren feet, nnd slopm northward nnd upward fjr mitmiI fid, then rlilnit terpendlcular to the top. It wut on thlt northward tlope that the footprint were found. A you Mood on tho ground nnd looked at them they ha I the appoarnnce of having been formed by more than ono perron aliniblng up to tbo topof the rock. There certainly woro two dllfereul alto I feet nrnkt, an I wa thought one w that, uf a femileapiareutly belr.ganUtel by her loferllplielng through the mud. Hut Ihti rock neTer wa In n plaitlo condition wheru It now lay. It It a lame fragment of mllllin nf tin of the tame material near br, with every tlgnof being brekeu oir I y Internal violence a tlie mountain au I the frag iiieul ahow. KoJtprluU tan ully I e mndenpiii proMrly (iMillllonel mud; hut rnulil that inuj be traniibmied Intoltvii rock, milieu, bolle I itn I tub. bled a thlt country for hundreds of mlliahai beou, an I Hum aamo foot-print foot-print btcoine n put of a solid iiioiiu tain, bnkelauduoilclofl for thou-end thou-end years, and then this mighty chunk kindly belchud out by somo violent hock, being broken Just right to thow u the footprint made before the tub. bllng protet oommnceJ. A writer In the Trfiune, November 18tll, call It "lava rock." That' what we (.alt IU lie uettil III it the uwner of Ilia feet wai In hurry, wlillu running over the partially toll live, Mills Imprint of thetoet Is deeprr Ihtn thai of the heel. I t'lluk I artlilly auft Uva whouli bo i xoe ! iniily Harm fur bare feet, an 1 If the wrlt-r had ha I our ixp-rlenoelu n ru Jely OJiiitructrd turilih bull hotted from a tile Hour, ho Mould liavu fuuud that heat lliu applied throws a man back on hi heel, lo liolloo. Ninr by the rook from which the footprints were taken are. several other rorks(lrmnt) abmt tlio time alt. Ik ew of tome markings upon one of llitse we mo inlod to Iho top, upon which twenty-live men ojiiIJ stand. Wa illtouvered and polnte I out tu Irlonu t'euney quo nfter another tho mtrklnii unJer our leet, a oipy nl which I enclose made upon n ioet card wlill upon the ruck. There are many other mirkluga thin those pro. scutuJ. All ure iindoublejly work of ail, ominou nil over Utah, The blaik spots are holm In which you could slaliil mi egg. rhero are other prints of hands uud I am told anne liavu dlscovrrel the foot prints of children. 1 here can be no doubt that Ihue were tuadu with u hard Initru-meiit Initru-meiit In huinau baud. Oil the south side of Ihl rock era some ecullar hieroglypblcal charaoterr, which I would call (having seen orlgltuls In the llrltlh muieum an I the book of A braham) d generatu i:gyptlau. Ilofjre getting down Irotn this rock I dlscovared upon the edga at Iho only place a orton could crawl up, notche, making n kind uf miniature battlement apietrauoe; and my Idea I that Ihl rook wa u kind of (ulplt, ilitloo orallar, upon which none but the great or luwerful might tread, and from which tbey harangued tho common-foil, below. 1 thluk now the asms people that made these other carving so near by, (J or 3 rod) alio cut the footprint In iiueitlou and that they bad aome siecial uie, l'erhaps on fi tal days certain nitlleu would ttut their agility In climbing, by phclng their dainty feet In these prints nud thus winning claim upon tho young warrior or prince. Tuat the footprint were made by human hands, t do believe- not from an Iconoi Isstla deposition for I would rather have retained re-tained my lJtal, slnco out of tho hoary pat fits come my confidence In tho pretent, nnd courago lo the curtain of the future, I admit being tho one who with my littlo scimitar (lu the Kua) sought 1 vengeance on the vandals who look Ihl sent of antiquity from nur view. One K-ntlemill got bsnealh nivnoni lie filumt ami made a;olnj;y, lo him I hiw, behoving It "lov' labor lost." My narnu I on the iot card, and any iuron whoikilrn further Information lin tho sul Joot that 1 am able tu obtain, ob-tain, I am nt their service, or any one wlthlngtn IllVKillgcto tiuou tlio spit Inrthemielvei; I will glidlr tako tbem l wn there ant show all and more thin I have tried to describe, Utah the I'alr I rloh enough In truth and beauty lo stand In her own shoe and attract the almlratlou of the world, without erklug by doubtful footi rlnts I I deprive that great city of the honor for which slio baa teennotol, A. Unit). Mluftinih IVllnnl ona halt ertlm of Intid In folk county, Minn , wlildi lie orkHlitiuntniir lulpeiiril In lurut staiMiii Hhe la )ung ur mini f iimoy eiefjiuplMitiiriitM nmt left a i omfort ib loom In ihe eaw lo become n wrtcni turner IVllie matron, in f lilrngnarersMtilrMl tourar u uniform wliilunn iluty lit. uniform tomUisif inlrtMuf blueker.r, nllh -Hal, l lilting double brtntleU Utxpie llnl.l.Ml wlih blue button, end a ) lain skirt inndo short n.oii.li tu ibar tun grutiiid A gnnil cbnrnlnte frilling Is lunile a fot lnu 1 lvln1ilKiufiili f gritted tliutto-Into, tliutto-Into, wllhMioiiglirnainiiriiillVliiurt It, una cm fill nf sui.ar mi 1 one i g "ull 1 nt tn Mir llieliiuttilltnl mer lliellniunlll thnrviiglily wl-iil Maorlih tonllla. llnblr' fwlIlM I I'm lunile t linine are irifrruble In l.i-o In.uiilil niul Hie ille rubl-r ilmli I mure s-ill.t iclnry than Ilia Iniirbtllriil olkloth, n. It ilwi. nut nui - |