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Show 1 A Chicago paper obeurvis with some 1 curiosity, that at a Into meeting of the 1 board of education of that elty an order H was passed uppropilatlng $JSd for the B purchase of mud. This matirlal lactor H Inthe groiessof eluoalliij the young H Is to Ui used Intlusloyd training ays- B Urn "to train thee In form And ay in- H metrj." The ihlldnn, It Is under- 1 stood, malm models Willi It. Now the $2S0 will purohasw 101 barrels of mud, H TUOfOundato thebanel. ThustheUhl B csgo city board of t-ducalluti Is (oiiud ti BB he eying for Its mud at the rate of 40 H ortits n hiindndwtlttht, or four cents H forten rounds. Halt Inku City mud H dues not come so high us that, meis- B uied I') the lariol, but this It because B we have such an Immense ttook on K A luw months ugo it wns BBVH slightly otherwise; but llniln- tint BBBB thero might come u ilsy when we BBBaBJ would bo utterly deprived of our BBBABj mui for the time being Alien, In BBBaBJ tho shnpu of Uuit.lt might tako to Itself BBBaBJ wings and 11 y u took time by the H forelock and had the streets to arranged B that in case of n thaw we can now tupply ordert for any quantity on very short notlroanl at rates which put competition out of the ring alto-gather. alto-gather. Forty cents a hundredweight I Why, if wo could only get a fourth of that wo could bjlld that railroad to Deep Creek, another to 8 tn J uan, pay od the municipal indebtedness and even (perhaps) altord another City Council as expenslvo as the present and ast onei. Let us htvo free trade lu the esse of mu 1 right away; let Cblcaxo an! other villa jes understand that they cannot "hoi I a can He" to us In thu matter of cheap mud. Hond onyourorJew; kooIs shipped c. o.d., f. o. b , or with any other Inltla Is desired. |