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Show OfXtlie Krsmatiou, liUvr Deter ct A'cwi; At a Uemscratlu mcetlug held In tho old dl.lrlit court room lu this city (HltI,l.e)ou January 0th, In honor of the inmiiory of AnJrow Jaoiriou, among others uuo of the speakers, who Is n prominent gentleman In llemocratlu circles, remarkoj In the couns of his spjecli that n certain trllm of InJIaiii calling themselves Tumsrora bravoi were "oil thu rcserva. lion," bocauie being, as they claim Uem.crats, they fall to support the I'ty nomlneis for ofllio. This nun. Ueruan lu very pathetlo terms un. treated lliuauorlslncs U rituru to tho "solvation; in this appeal ttio irvntlv U tKiutre I to wi Joiued by another pronilnont Dsmocral. it i '!"." . """""d" to this writer that it would havo bion viry proper pru. ;'.U,"J "' November election In 161)2 W'thoso tttentua to return to tho res. motion uud to rouder alleglsuco i.i. .'"."' "UM0 l"lnolpk they ft"' ',u ,Loll,'vu "'i " l""oJ. "is .ln.'.v ."'. they uot only reused -yneuiuuo so, but I u fact it Is Ifori5"1 .uua '"'"""d that they voted lorainosttronouiited uud bitter lie. Lei .??,.'" ."MP1"00 ,0 ""''"' "fwoirat whu had bcou regularly noimn.ted by a Democrallu con vin lofi mXo "W I,lolfuri" ' Uu'"' cratlpiaudldatofor Coogru.s. If (hey lid Tl7,i . )"?? democrats why Lko (JUv w,',0 ," tU. DuB''"i of Bait on me X,1'.'.'",tl"ai!,":u ut ll10 '! avet,ei'?ri'f,''fu,,' '.7 '' would Uh,.!.?mtt flullB opportunity rJ iy I'.l'1.""-"' tUatiutuii, KuuiV. thai ??: . l a" imiin,nl to ' It thi ',? n1""1 '" ",ltrui' Mo'' "'it room I , i""?"aU wllu le" "' TuicaS e '","'' tJ meet the Wklo f11 ' oU """" lu speech. "eil.".'''1,'' U,U" "l-! nre Bentle. 5i ur"1" "fVatloii psrma. ffitmewfih'"b,i;"y U',J '" Hy)-iMy.iorgboJt uot recognlre them as proiwr subjects of government liounly, and may refuse to honor their demands. And ttmlghtas srell bo alto under stood by the other kind of Democrats thst to be cjii'I Jure I "In II" for olllces and other good Ihlngs supplied by Ilia Democratic administration, they must be all round, and at all times, ronslnt. ent Democrats, not only so lu faith but also by works. A COMlStEIT Dkmqciiat. I low about those who parllclated In die entliuslasttuslackionlau demonstration demonstra-tion at firemen's Hall or. that even, lug? Doss our correspondent nnd them out. too?) |