Show BIG MONEY S fOR BOXERS YORK Seventy five Thousand Dollars Dollars Dol Dol- Dollars lars lars' Is 5 Is Offered for F Four r. r Bouts I B By International News Service NEW YORK April 6 Seventy fire thousand d dollars flar for Jor four tour bout bouta in Gotham This hl looks looka liko like loose juggling of figures figur fig fig- ur urge ures s. s but the offers are ate out and if the boys care care to mingle its theira theirs lor br or the tha asking This record bre breaking temP tempter r ris is held out by Gil il B Boa Boag ag manager of the M Madison A A. 0 for tor the following exhibitions P Packey McFarland vs s Matt Wells Packey McFarland McFarlands vs s Ad Wol Wolgast A Ad Aa Wol Wolgast ast vs s Matt Wells and Johnny Kilbane v vs Knockout Brown The is to be divided eq equally Ili among the four battles and the principals can Mn divide it an any way vay they desire It can casH easily be bB seen seon that the advent of the Garden A A. C C. C into pugilistic world stirred up tip matters some T Tom m Kennedy who had bad hope hopes of OL becoming be real real white h has given corning coming a 1 hope s up the game Kennedy was one of the most gentlemanly fighters b rs that ever eyer appeared in this city and he was a good imitation of Apollo As a possible po sible white hope now what is the use 1156 |