Show I MINES OF oi TINTIC BROKE ALL RECORDS IN MARCH OUTPUT J I The rho Tintic mines minNI broke all al previous lou r records records rec rec- c. c during the month of March when a 8 total of no carloads of ot ore left lett this dl dietrict district die dis for tor the alc valley smelters smeltz-s. n. n Twenty Twenty- seven e mines were In th time thA shipping list and assisted In bringing the output of ot the dis up ip to such a splendid Tintic Is c certainly a wonderful mining district and In the matter r of the tIme production of ol high Jr grade e ore orp I Is in a I cas class b by I Itself et We Wc t know of no ither mining district In the W west Et that can equal Nual the tho re remarkable record record rec rec- ord made by our mines mine says Eureka Re Re- port Beck Tunnel The overdraft over of ot the fleck Beck Tunnel Mining Mi MI- ning company compan Is gradually melting awa away before the lie heavy y tonnage tonnac of ore which I Is ii being loIng placed upon the market and If I th tim th mine maintains Ins I Its present output It will be le but a few rew months until there are arc now a n few ow big shining bucks In the treasury The rite he overdraft at al the th pr sent present ent time should hould not s ge f far in excess of a prel pretty somalI small sum when compared with what th the mine own owned c about a year yeal ago and with an n output of eighteen or twenty cars a month and a light expense account the tho future Is b by no meI meins daik dat The Tho ore which was as encountered rEd In the time raise nils from frou the Icv level 1 o of the No 2 shaft Is very apt ap to be he an art off or from the ore oro or bot body bod which i Is heln being developed by 1 the time Incline drift au and which made over Into tnt the time Beck Tunnel l property after It had been opened nn so 10 extensively In the Hie Humbug ground I II 1 this IB is tho the case Cae there Is 1 50 feet of or virgin ground In which the time fleck Deck Tunnel people can ca follow this oro ore before the two points arc are connected up Will VU Ship H. H F. F Gear o of this city It h has l secured a alease lease e upon th the old e milL mi dump and has hn already Hd commenced loading theore the theore theore ore upon the cars carl for tor lh the tue shipment to the American S Smelting compAn company's smelter smelt er CI- I at Galt Garfield ld The he dump which la Is owned b by the Eureka lureka HIM Hill Hi Mining company com coin pany pan is I located In 11 tho vicinity of ot Me Me- Intyre's ranch and c th tho ore will 11 be bc loaded a at t lh the lie same point from m which the ok old ol re mill mi dump Is now 1 being shipped The dump contains between and 1000 tons and according to samples sam sam- pe plea ples which have be been n sent In Iii tl to the smelter the time ore orp contains values In cop cop- p per r. r gold Kold and sliver silver sl fr amounting Iu Iii 11 all 1 to about 9 1 per por Jr ton The hp wagon alon haul of hala halt hal hal a mile together with 1111 the railroad awl and smelter pr will wt cost o t n about bOi t peton per pe ton tn leaving a of or something like 3 1 J. J D. D Stack has ha contracted to haul the theore theore theore ore and Mr lr G Gear expects to h he able to send End out about aboul thirty tons per da day Doing Work at Eagle Since January S the tH at al th Ele Eagle and af Blue ue Bell Bel mine have put fut th the th shaft shaf down own a distance of about about fe rp t t tand and In addition to this have ha cut emit a sta sta- ta ton lon which work ork r required about on one weeks week's tim tm time The Tho sinking n I Is progressing nicely and will wil he completed tC b by the latter lat 1st- ter part of ot the thE present nt month |