Show GIROUX PROFITS I 50 CENTS A SHARE WIthin another another month Giroux Consoli Consolidated dated exp to l I. I lb b producing at ft a a rate of 01 or of pounds copper a a month according t ordill to adf advices froTh from rom an e source On this output It i Is Ia estimated that thet t the compan company should hould earn cant at least JO 50 o cents a snare This Tho X company compan ha has a large mineral min mm- eral rl hearing bearing estate near Ely I and should have havo been heim producing lor more than u a I year ear ago ngo Much complaint hns has h been en made h by sonic some of It the tho shareholders of the present management it Js is evident hent e that tImework tIme the the work Is b pr progressing e much slower 10 1 iu In re ties tics than lisa In th the neighboring Ing properties proper proper- |