Show 1 1 I I TWO BALL GAMES Loc Local l fans fahs will be given good op opportunity to io see the new skyscrapers sky skY- scrapers in action this afternoon and tomorrow This afternoon Captain Weavers Weaver S 'S aggregation is is cro crossing sing bats with Bert Margetts' Margetts fast Budweiser team and tomorrow the local league e team will try conclusions con con- elisions with the Helena bunch Sundays Sunday's game gamo should give the fans a good line Une on tho the comparative comparative compare compare- tive strength of two o Of the league teams although neither will pre present sent all aU of its strength Ma Manager Irby has been working hard haM at Provo with his squad and antI expects to give the tho Cooley clan a a busy aft aft- A A. general admission Slon of ot 50 60 cents will be charged I bats Mt with fhe he The skyscrapers crossed ros d UnIv University of Utah te team m at M t Cooley park yesterday ester ll afternoon and altho 1 although h noone noone no noone one paid particular attention I to tho score It read something like this 1 l 12 to 4 In favor tn of ot th the The Tiie boys from tram th the U Un showed up well and yen even though the the- th thelea league lea 1 team did not turn H Itself It- It self loose loos to any great gnat G extent tent gaVe the Skyscrapers skyscrapers' a good workout- workout ErwIn Serb Serb- sen was wai on th the mound for rot the str sky skyscrapers st- st scrapers r per while Muir l Petty and Ra Ray Raj took turn turns for tho the university Th The bO boys S 'S played In Int 1 sea of 0 of mud and nd fast rut therefore Impossible was al' al I Dick Cooley Cooty umpired the th game yesterday yes yes- find and had lied a splendid opportunity to watch to Lon Len Romney a and d Tomm Tommy lt 1 patrick two U stars star who ho ma rosy may some someday someday day day- ay come Into th professional ranks rank under Coote Cooleys Cooley's 11 manag management Both boys show unusual promise Romney cape espe- daily looks mighty ty s sweet to Cool Cooley Y Cooley Cootey has offered to turn over o to McCloskey McCloskey Mc- Mc Closkey Outfielder Fred and Catch Catcher t Cy Ci P Perkins of last lae yea years year's R. R s1 sky elcy- scrapers ers S The ball team at atAll All AJI H Hallows Is atm atm- ply ph Itching for afternoon games with Uh an any of ot the good teams In the cIU cIti The rh boys boy of ot the college colles have a good playIng field and arid will be glad Iad to hear from tho managers managers man man- agers of or other clubs Andy Haight a prominent attorney attorn y yot of ot Ely Eb Nev Nei and one of or the live JI baseball base base- ball bail boosters boosters' of ot that stat state Is visiting I In Inthe Inthe Inthe the city Mr Mr- Hah Haight ht was president o othe ot of the Nevada State lea league e for tor or sev several severa ral years He states that the Ely Eh dIstrIct will arain In have Its little three team league consisting of East Elv Bly McGill and Copper Flat Fiat WInn Fulmer Fred Waite Walts Fat Hicks Harry Lawrence La Jo Joe Joe- McCroskey and other Salt Lake are members or of of teams In tn that tha district S S Advices nt at the local railroad offices are that Toe Joe Hinkey Van the skyscrapers skyscrapers' sky 1 scrapers' scrapers first baseman left leU Oakland this morning or Salt ot-Salt Salt Lake According to Andy HAI Haight ht pf of Ely Elv Nev the three teams In that bat league will need quite nuite a number number- of or ball player Some of the boys boy who hae failed In iii their tryouts outs with Union association teams might Investigate In S S S s Irb Helena team Is pla playing the ham Youn Young Toting university boys boya at a Provo Prove this afternoon Irb Irby announces the following schedule of or practice games for Cor his tern teRm April 7 T. Salt Lake at Salt Lako April 11 Salt Lake Retail Clerks Clerk at Provo Prove AnTI il II 13 at Provo April 14 H. Price at Price 15 IB Helper J at Hel Helper r April 16 B. B Y T. U. U at Provo April 17 17 O dean at Provo Pro 0 0 5 WInn Fulmer the hard hitter of or former Oden teams tams who ho Is now In business busi busl- ness fleas at Ely Ely Elv Ncr Nev has ha announced that tha he will wilt take a layoff Inot this summer r and will offer his to one of the Union association clubs Fulmer Pulmer I Is is K H a good catcher l big bl- as ns Hucl man and hits hlis the ball bait just as RS hard althou although h not so often orten S e S SA A great reat deal of Interest in the thc National Na Na- league lealue this season reason will center ter around what and Donlin will wilt do dof f for r the pirates and what hilt effect the re return return reo re- turn of Evers E and Chance 1 will have on the tho cubs S S S Some of If f th the lon exhibition scores scores scores' of y yes yes- r st s- s t rda follow At Yale Washington Washington Tale defeated Cornell 4 to 2 At Philadelphia Philadelphia Nationale Nation Nation- ale als O Ov Philadelphia Americans AmerIcan 4 4 At Columbus Columbu Columbus 3 Cincinnati Nationals 5 S. At Washington Wn Americano Amen Ameri cano calls 5 S. S Boston all 7 7 At St St. Louis St. St Louis Louts Nationals 7 i St. St Louis Loul Americans m 1 I At Lou Louisville Louisville s I Louisville c 1 12 D Detroit tr lt Americans 7 i. i At Mobile Mobile Mobile-Mobile lob II c Mobile c. c I G S Philadelphia hla Americans second team teRm 1 1 The and sk scrapers will line Un up about aS follows Skyscrapers Weaver W er a or Scott c LucheM Tuch san p p Hummel 01 oi Price i Abbott Ib Pendleton b. b Scanlon cL Devereaux A. A Gunn Orr ss s. s Castro Spencer If T Davis er cf Mann Ian Bau Bauer Baur r rt rf Bock The above e lineup will al also aln n be used by byth bythe bythe th the rs against Helena tomorrow tomor tomorrow row except that Bill Morgan will lIke likely do the pitching Th The game genie tomorrow tomorrow tomor tomor- row ow will be b call called fd at 3 30 Harry Barn KIllilay Is still confined to hit his room with the tho mumps BUI Billy Is considerably Improved td but will n not net t be out for several davs s George Reed den denies Ie the report that Rube Rub HIldebrand has beer been turned hacK back unconditionally unconditIonal b by li Cincinnati Reed states that Cincinnati has asked him to tomake to tomake tomake make an offer for his hla return but adds that hat he cannot see It possible to to pay pay payI a abig abig I. I bl big price for tor him He lie admit admits that ne negotiations ni- ni are pending with lie Itle red reds hut he do does not expect to land lind tb tb reuben rcuben S S SHome Home Run Jot Joe Marshall of or the Bi Bl club dub Is Interested head o over o r heals In t ti n mining venture and ha has Informed McCafferty McCafferty that he will not report rt has also been bus busy buss with th ho the pruning knife Yesterday he released Kemp and another McDonald Hat Harwas a young left heft handed pitcher h r. r hM has las reported at Butte with Carl The latter has recommend him highly I to o l but Mao Mac has hRs ont yet et signed him was Hat was released release t by b McCloskey cCloskey a few days day ago Get Gd thi boost for McC McCafferty's bunch from rom the Butle Butte Miner It ma may sound Round peculiar all this boosting and arid enthusiasm to the tha fans Cans In Iii Butte but If anyone of ot t them tern em could only come down hone here mid take ako a 0 took look for or himself he would wO go fO away tun fulT Il as enthusiastic tlc as the thi writ writer r. r Its It's undoubtedly th the tho best team Butte ha hat had had Ince since the tho dave s of or 1902 or at nn any uny r rate rata ti o. o since Russ Halls HaU host best team and ld that's just a CUI as true tru R a stat statement as tS wa Wat e er r t made regarding reg a halt team In team In th the pre pre- train training InS InS' n Remember that It lt I Inot Is not being be claimed that t tho team eventually event e picked by W M wilt will Just romp through th the league this season but It 1 la Is meant that for tor a a. snappy young oung hustling and In overy every detail of the game gam prom- prom sins icing lot lot this outfit handled by 1 ty Is fa about the niftiest this early In the tho season Butte Butto ever e had hd 0 S S Missing since the close of ot last hut tle seison season son Matty McIntyre outfielder for tor the ChIcago Chicago Chi ChI- cago cage Americans reported yesterday Explaining Ex Ex- Ex- Ex his lIs absence he lie said Eald he had been playIng ball In Cuba during the then winter Inter n and thought Manager Callahan knew kne of ot his whereabouts The rhe Chicago r representatives o of oC the United States l league leogue will make their thell first appear appearance ri e toda today at it Gunther park where they line up In a practice game with the Gunther l. l semiprofessional team Manager of the United States team has kept his players at work during the tho week k and says ays the they are r ready ady for Cor the opening S S S Christ Christy Mathewson Mathe star pitcher of or orthe the New York Nationals will not be ready to work for some ome da days 8 according to Manager McGraw who v took his club chub to New V York toda today after the tho spring training trip trl Mathewson I will n need d several sev eV- eV eral days of warm weather before he is In shape to pitch and tho the burden of oC the work of the first game or of the 8 season a on will rA rest on Marquard Ames and ant Wiltse The This rest of the tho pla players ers are In In good condition McGraw McGraw- suid |