Show MINING MININ- MININ G THE QUOTATIONS TE QUOTA NEWS CAMPS FROM ONS AND AD AI ALL ON STOCKS STOC K S WITH FROM PRICES THE FLASHED LING LEADING LATEST MARKE T TI 4 KNIGHTS TO TOA BUILD A COAL ROAD fOR FOB TINTIC SMELTER e Knight appears appear to he le very ery much in earnest about starting the Tintic smelting plant at at Silver Cit City When asked rc regarding the resumption of bI operations operation of the Tintic furnaces ke sid that they hoped to be bc able to I blow them in some fome time this year ear and possibly during the tho summer month mouthe 1 Those who ho have hrc followed tho the movements mo i of o the tile I wizard bard of Tintic closely are ate I convinced that that he ho has bas hi his plans pans well wen under way for the tho resumption of op operations 01 at t the smelting plant at an early date When hen n Mr K Knight tr tried r out the Tintic Tin Tm- il r tic tc smelter several e crl years ago lie he found k f t. t number of obstruct obstructions ionI which prevented pre vented rented making Dakin it i n a I Commercial suc ce cess ces s. s Among the these c was his inability to get et a fuel tuel rate such 1 h as the valley smelters mel ter were able aIlo to 16 procure from frum the coal coul companies of this Mr Ki Knight ht j also l t experienced difficulty in I custom ores in jn 31 the tle open opell market sue such as cr l needed to mix with ih the production pro ducton of cf IMS is own mines It 1 IH c jl just t come to I light ht that tha t a ac c of f Ic are in jn the tho field I making Mno surveys M for fol a route up Spring Sprin I canyon ou from from Helper to sonic some ot of the coat cORf lands owned b by Jes Jesse Kni Knight bt The I surveyor nor claim that the they hey ar are in in the employ of Mr J Knight lj t and that they understand that he Le wil wj build a line lne U t thc these e oal properties at once Two routes iro r ro to Le te pon over and when whon these are completed a n decision will i be rea reached a as to the the- the feasible route routt and actual actual construction work will cill m be wit tho the Je least started with t pc possible delay The proposed line JIO will wm only be about nine iriles in n length and can Rn bo be built ti In tl a connection with wih th the tho Rio I hiu r short hon t time H f Hi the frade grade i is easy It 1 is fa said aia a that it is ie no not the intention in t of Mr r. r Knight bt to tn tf CU C in the 1 i bu business i s but that ho will wi be able abio to mine nfl all the eoa coal ci t he lie be rill viii i reed ed to feed his hn hiI Tintic r. r A desirable r rate t for hunting hauling the he coal ol from Helper to the mol I ha has le been n ob obtained n Dc l uy the tho Knight Inight sod and BO so far f as enn can bo bt learned the tho completion n o of the coal line lino is all al that is U tiled tc to conclude arran arrangements for the Tintic plant To a n extent I the thc he Tintic smelter trill nill ti 16 ulion the Kni Knight ht min mines mines s for its production All Mi l J of the leasers in iu Tintic will take of the wi advantage o tle opportunity op afforded for n a snort short haul and ship to the tho furnaces at at Silver Siver Ci City Jn in n addition to their thir own mines t e I Knights Knight's Ji have producers from front other districts who have c expressed a a desire to ship to Tintic |