Show POINTED PARAGRAPHS A beautiful woman roman needs need no letter of ot In In- In V Some men work ork hard hud trying to accomplish pUsh pitch useless things thing The world owe owes every man the tha privilege of ot earning earning- hi hie hi livingS living A S sir girls girl's idea of ot an on eligible man i Is II one em who h Wants want to marry her ber er The Tb difference between love 10 and dyspepsia dye dys pepita is Se merely a matter o of ot years year ean Every man men on earth considers a a. promis promise prom prom- is I. ise sacred sacred tr If made md to him by another Th TM man who i Ii I. looking for trouble lot eel eldam el- el dim dam has haa to go oW a way from home to it Aa As long aa s eh she he curl carries her age well wen k woman sat Int much of a burden ot herself All An w women men may have b been beon n born equal equal- but sut they dont don't alway aye look it tt on the burlesque bur- bur esquo lesque sta stage There I Is I. one on thing thinS In the small email boys boy's favor tavor-ho avor ho never pretends pretend to like anybody he 10 doesn't like When a a. man roan Itys 18 av he prefers prefer to live Inthe in intha inthe the tha suburbs It Its It's a sat safe t. t b bet t that hi his wife to uv Uve in the city |