Show Wall Wal Street Briefs There will b be capacity audiences of b bank bank- aW tb era a and brokers k lf for or th the Wall rCa street t news nes e tickers this wee week werl as o the te Republican national convention sets gets under way oy Brokers Broter are are- Undecided undecided undecided un un- decided as to ca how much the market matet wll wW vibrate on a the convention developments but bul opinion Is general jeneral that the market muke wl will re react react rt- rt act one I way or another to the handling of certain of or the vital planks Western Wester Union Telegraph directors director are ae scheduled to meet for tor dividend action to tomorrow tomorrow to to- morrow and from Irom the present price of the stock stok Wall Vail street has baa ha come to the conclusion that maintenance of ot the te present rett 4 4 annual n rate o U is very unlikely I Western i eJr Union has one oo o of t the tho longest dividend ld records records rec rec- of ot any Iny stock on the the- list having paid ald 1874 17 stockholder something In et every year since |