Show Daily Health Service Ba Bod Air Lack of Sunshine Blamed for Diarrhea Editors Note This Note This Is the first of o articles by Dr Fishbein on sumler sum sum- w ler diarrhea in babies babic The second lill in be bc printed tomorrow B By DR MORRIS FISHBEIN tor Journal Journ of or the tho American I tat and of 01 lIy lu the Health Magazine l At a time when hen our infant mortal mortal- 7 J tales rales were such a as to startle the many children suffered m severe- severe J 7 With 1 Hh diarrhea in the summer It 31 J that these diarrheas ufe ue In ln many instances to in mice mice- ec- ec oas from milk and food supplies Oday 1 th the type due to such infections as S 'S brought rather well under ol but there re are still sUll many cases ui Other causes b a survey of ot the thc subject Dr F. F Radda da POints out that f prevail where bad ai air lack 1 and filth Interfere with r of ot the thc human body I r Ive heat tal Is an nn important fac- fac fe e high temperatures act as ts A lowering of ot body fluid is associated with hl high h tempera tures Moreover foods in general tend end to ferment and spoil quickly One investigator found that heat decreased the thc amount of hydrochloric acid in the secretions of ot the llio stomach This in turn lowers the ability of oti the he stomach to aid in digestion permits permits per per- mits the development of ot germs which would otherwise be destroyed and favol's favors fa fa- fa vors vols the development of ot toxic substances substances substances sub sub- stances due to decomposition i It has hns been found that repeated ot- ot tacks acks of diarrhea interfere with ability abil abil- ity ty to digest foods Therefore the first attack may not be severe but bul continuous attacks become more anc and more difficult to handle so that the most serious mortality occurs late in inthe inthe the thc summer and in the early fall I During the tho first few days of ot life the he child may have six Ix to twelve actions nc RC- ac- ac lions of the tho bowel each day without harm larm Toward tho the end of ot the first firs week of 01 life there may be frequent actions which arc are arc probably due to the thc fact that the thc child has not had sufficient food lood At such a time the thc increased feeding will bring about abou control of 01 the thc condition Under average averle conditions the thc di dl estive system of an infant win will tolerate tolerate tolerate toler toler- ate a considerable amount of abuse However in hot weather an excess of ot fat or of sugar in the diet and an excessive amount of ot roughage may cause n a diarrhea Tomorrow What to o do for lor diar- diar shea In babies |