Show I 1 FUNERALS FUNERAL I II BONNER Funeral BONNER-Funeral Funeral services for Nell Neil Nel T T. Conner Don Con nero ncr age 13 33 1 years year son eon of Edward T. T and Beatrice Nine King Kine Donner Bonner of Eureka Utah will wi be b held ld Tuesday The funeral cortege cor cor- tree tege will wi leave lbs Iho Nell Neil Nel O Donnell ODonnell ODonnel mortuary cry ary at n n. n m so and proceed to the Cathedral of the Madeleine where mass maa will wi be celebrated commencing at 10 n. n m. m Burial will wi be In Its Mount Moun Calvary Calan cemetery Friends may view his remains nt at It the Nell Neil O Donnell ODonnell ODonnel mortuary No East First FIrt South South this afternoon and nd tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow to- to morrow prior to departure to the church ORA GRAVES GRAVES Funeral services s for Thomas Thoma Riley Or Graves vu cf Cd Sandy will wi be held Tuesday Tues Tues' Tuesday c day at 1 p. p m. m In the tho Sandy First Flut ward wad under direction of Bishop August M M. Hid Hid- son eon Friends may n call a at the Deser t mortuary er Monday d and n at lt r the e family residence resi resi- Ife cemetery dence Tuesday Interment Sandy Ci City HODGES HODGES Funeral Funeral services for br Henry Hery Hodges 73 years ran of age ace who passed own away nt at a n local hospital last lat night T will 1 be held Tuesday from the Fifteenth ward chapel chapil at 1 I 30 p. p m m. Bishop Fred Kasteler Kuttler will officiate friends may call at the mor mom wi tuari of Jos Wm Taylor between betwee the thi hours hour of 5 and 8 30 p p. p m m. Monday and nt itt the residence of his hi daughter Mrs C C. C C C. West Wet First Firt South between the tho hours of 10 and 1 P. P rn m. Tuesday Interment In In- In City cemetery under direction of Jo Joseph ph Wm Win Taylor Inc NICHOLS NICHOLS Funeral Funeral services for Henry Henr ott ol v wIll wi bo be held Tuesday at nt 10 1030 30 u a u. u m. m In the Larkin funeral home The services will Wl be bp private Interment will wi be In Wasatch Wa- Wa satch atch Lawn burial park pal under direction of Lamkin mortuary NIELSEN Funeral Funeral services her for Harald E E. V V. Nielsen who died at his home 28 23 East Southgate u n avenue ru Saturday t v will be e held ls nt at tile the I funeral n home of S Sons Sons- CC Co 2128 South State Stale street Tuesday June 14 14 I. I at ot 1 I o'clock P p. m m. m street under the tho direction of the the Danish Brotherhood Interment nt ot the City Cit cemetery PENDLETON Funeral Funeral services for Oliver r I II 1 Pendleton will wi be held Thursday Olve at 2 P P. m m. In the Pleasant Green ward urd chapel Friends may call cal at nt the mortuary Tues Tues- Tes day and Wednesday and at the residence of Ellen Marlor in Magna O Thursday prior to services IJ I Interment r pT Pleasant toY Green tUT cemetery under direction of D Deseret seret cr mor mom |