Show i Ruth Kerr 1 Weds in N. N Y Mrs Kenneth C. C Kerr of New York YorkI I City formerly of Salt Lake an- an announces a- a the marriage marrage of her daughter daugh Iter ter Miss Mis Ruth Hamilton Kerr to t August Au Au- gust J Fries Fres of Bridgeport Conn son of Mr and anti Mrs Mrs Joseph Fies Fries former formerly I ly of Cleveland Ohio on Saturday afternoon at 33 p p. p nv in n. n in New York City in the Little Litte Church Around the Corer Corner the thc te Rev Bernard Berard A. A E. E E McLaughlin McLaughlin Mc- Mc Laughlin officiating Miss Kerrs Kerr's fa fa- there then the thc late Kenneth C C. Kerr was wasa a prominent newspaper man in Salt SaIL Lake a number of years ears ago and the bride was born bor in this city and is a aniece aniece aniece niece of Mrs William Reid Mrs Mrs Les LesS LesSter ter Freed and M Miss s Afton Afon Young of ot Salt Lake Mrs Fries Fre is a writer wrier and Mr Fries Frie Ls Is l an art arl director with the thc General Electric company wih in Bridgeport Bridgeport Conn Conn i aThe a- a The Salt Sal Lake Visiting Nurses Nurses' Nure association as a. a will wi give a dinner sponsored by the membership committee at the chamber of commerce May 26 at at 7 p p. m. m The committee Includes Include Mrs Mrs A A. A II 11 I. I S. S Bird Mrs Mrs J J. J J J. J Galligan Galgan Mrs Mr Geor George e Wood and Miss Mis Gertrude Arbuckle Arbuckle Ar Ar- buckle vice president of the organization orgal ration who Is chairman of arrangements arrange arrange- ments for the dinner The Te Utah Uth Poetry society will meet Sunday at at p. p m m. with Mrs Mrs Stephen Phillip Phiip Holt Holt East South Temple street Miss Mi L. L M. M trough will wJ give thc the program Mrs Arthur Arlhur L. L Murray is general chairman chaiman for the garden bridge party to be given at Memorial house Memory Memory Mem Mem- ory or park City Creek canyon canon June 9 by the Service Serice Star Str legion Miss Mis Eleanor Eleaor Eberhardt who has hs been visiting on the coast coast h has s returned returned re reo turned home Mrs James A. A A Ho Hogle and son James have returned from California Calor- Calor Califor nia where Mrs Mr Hogle has spent pent the winter and James Jmes has been attending attending attend attend- ing the University of California Caloria Mrs L. L R. R R Waltis Wattis Watts has returned from Irom froma Iroma a three weeks' weeks trip to lo San Francisco Mrs Mrs plane Wattis Wats made the trip tip by air air- |