Show Victory Offers Vivid Drama Of Youth Young America a dl di ferent sort of or picture opened today a at the Victory the theater lter It Is a story ot boyhood powerful In its ts heart appeal ap ap- peal and In its rich entertainment qualities Director Frank wins new laurels for the sympathetic treatment he gives the drama For Irresistible human interest it rivals his Seventh Heaven and Bad Girl Spencer Tracy the brawny star of Sk Sky Devils and nd Disorderly Conduct Con Con- duct and beautiful Doris Kenyon play the thc leading lending adult roles In the picture They appear as Mr and Mrs Boray a n childless couple who are arc unaware of the tragedy found dally daily among families too poor to care for their children Mrs Boray's visit to the juvenile court where the clear sighted jud judge o explains the conditions that underlie the cases that come before before be be- fore him is a shocking revelation to her Her sympathy Immediately goes to toa tot a t mischievous looking boy of 14 who Is Ic known as the worst boy in town Tommy Conlon plays plas this part to per per- As the drama progresses Tommy goes his Interesting way carrying carrying car car- with him plenty o of laughs and tears All of his boyhood problems so little understood by th the adults with whom he comes in contact are arc absorbingly presented The picture is filled with action and appealing human interest touches Beryl Berl Mercer has another fine character role as Grandma Beamish Bea Beamish mish Tommys Tommy's only friend Boray takes an interest in irs him Ra Ray Ray- Oland Borzage as Tommys Tommy's pal Dawn ODay as the juvenile feminine interest interest in in- terest Ralph Bellamy as the juvenile court judge William and Sarah Sarah Sa Sa- Sa rah Padden complete the strong strone cast Keep Laughing a Mermaid comedy com corn edy a Romance and Paramount sound news complete the program The first episode of the new serial The Vanishing Legion featuring Harry Carey and Edwina Booth the stars of ot Trader Horn Is being presented today at the Victory Rex the wild horse also plays a B dr dramatic part in the breath taking story of adventure The popular game will be featured at atthe atthe atthe the 9 o'clock performance tonight at nt atthe atthe the Victory 1 S |