Show T if Clubs dubs Honor Grand Officers One of the most beautiful affairs of the spring season was the tea given Saturday by Mizpah chapter at the Yale avenue home of ot the worthy matron Mrs Mrs Hamer S. S Gulp Culp honoring the grand chapter officers of the Order of ot the Eastern Easter Star Receiving Receiving Receiving Re Re- with the hostess were were Mrs Mrs Rhoda A. A A Conely worthy grand ma matron matron tron Mrs Mrs Helen S. S Ryan Mrs Hazel HazelE Hazelr r E. E E Robbe Mrs Winifred H. H Jarvis I Mrs Frances G. G Shield Mrs May B. B Yates Mrs Irs Ena M. M Senior Mrs May E. E Mrs S. S Moore Mrs Margaret J. J Carter Carler Mrs Irs Gladys B. B Tie Titley Mrs Tilts Tilla Tia Wheelwright ht Mrs Bessie R. R n Grimm Mrs Myrtle Myrte F. F Lewis and Mrs Mr Anna R. R Houston A profusion of early spring flowers Cowers was effectively used in all al the rooms Music during the afternoon was furnished furnished furnished fur fur- by an orchestra composed of 01 members' members daughters with wih Miss Lillian Lit Lil lian han Schell arid and ard Miss lUss Janet Roberts violin Miss Betty Lou Lu Milliken cello cello cel cel- lo ho Miss Elise Ellse Schott viola Miss Mis Edith Hult Hut flute fute and MI Miss 5 Helen Ernst Erst piano Assisting in entertaining entertain entertain- ing the guests guest were Mrs D D. D. D Stockman Stock Stock- man Mrs D. D K K Moffat and Mrs E E. E E E. E Burke The Te table covered with an Italian cloth was centered with witha wih a mound of delicately tinted iris tapers of oC deep lavender laender being used Presiding were Mrs Walter Waler Scott Scot Mrs Kent O. O Keyes Mrs Warren Benjamin Mrs William C. C Kelly Kely and Mrs G. G Bruce McKee The Te dining room was in iii charge of Mrs Edwin L. L Brown and Mrs Lloyd W W. Hoskins Hoskins Hoskins Hos- Hos kins who were assisted in serving by Mrs Elmer M PI 1 Mrs Wallace Walace Beane Mrs Mrs SIgle Hatcher latcher Mrs Harry Summerson Mrs Kenneth Kenneth Ken I neth Keate Keale Mrs C. C A. A Mrs W. W Foster Powell Powel Mrs Le Roy Johnson Mrs Richard Johnson Mrs Walter Waler H. H Curry and Mrs Dora Cramer Two 10 hundred called during during during dur dur- ing the afternoon Afternoon section of Mizpah chapter chapter chapter chap chap- ter No 5 O. O E S. S will wU meet with Mrs Lynn H. H Clayton Lincoln avenue Monday at 2 p. p m. m for cards Reservations may be made with the following hostesses Mrs Mildred Midred Stockman Mrs I Helvetia elveta Mrs Mildred Johnson Mrs Julia Jula Lakness Lakness Lak- Lak ness or Hazel Johnson Mrs Mrs Norman C. C Hopper chairman Evening E Star section o of Radiant chapter No 12 O. O E. E S. S will wi meet at the home of Mrs Mrs W. W C. C Kelly Kely worthy matron 16 South Sixth West street Monday at 8 p. p m. m Hostesses for the evening will wi be Mrs Olive OUe Potter Poter Mrs Alice Henry Mrs Bertha Johnson Thelma Telma Thompson Miss Jennie Rvan Ryan and Miss Lucile Lucie Soper Mrs J J. R. R R Tanner chairman All AU members are invited Theta Teta Delphian chapter will wi meet Monday at the Hotel Utah at p p. m. m The annual election electon of ot of officers officers of- of for the coming year will wi be held The last lesson will wm be presented presented pre pre- seated as follows Character of Spanish Drama Mrs D. D Lope de Vega Mrs E. E T. T Ralphs Caldron Mrs F F. W. W James Life Lie LieIs Is a Dream Mrs Mrs J J. P. P Creer Three Judgments Judgment at a Blow act ac i i. i Mrs J. J T. T act ii ii i. i Mrs S. S Stevens and act III II Mrs N. N T. T Henderson The Te Iota Delphian chapter w will meet at p p. m. m Monda Monday in the thc ladies' ladies parlor of ot the Hotel Utah Uth Mrs Maude K K Baker will wi lead the lesson lesson lesson les les- les- les son Three Tree Judgments Judgment at a Blow Bow Topics to be reported are arc Resume of Act I I. I by Mrs Lorraine Rich Rih Story of oC Act II I by Miss Iss Mar Margaret aret French Story of or Act Acl III II by Miss Winifred Thorup discussion gen gen- eral eral The lesson will wi be bo followed bythe bythe by bythe the annual election electon o of officers Gamma Delphian chapter will wi hold the last meeting o of the year ear at 12 o'clock Monday at the Newhouse hotel ho hoteL tel Luncheon at p. p m. m and election electon elec elec- tion ton of officers will vill wi follow Mrs Mrs A. A H. H Cook will wi lead the le lesson son Yeats and Some Modern American Poets Topics for tor report are arc The Work of oC William Butler Butel Yeats Yeat Mrs L. L F. F Paddison Williams Poetry Mrs Paula Moore Robinson and Frost Mrs J. J C. C McAllister Sandburg and Masters Mrs Charles D. D Moore American L Lyricists Mrs H. H E. E Reservations have hae been made by bythe bythe bythe the following groups for the benefit card party to be given by the women's women's women's wo wo- mens men's canning committee under the direction of oC Mrs Louis Marcus at the Covenant house 41 East South Temple Temple Tem Tern pIe street Monday at 8 p. p m. m Ei Eight ht couples for tor duplicate bridge under the supervision of Mrs Fred W. W Pr 20 in a group roup sponsored b by Mrs B. B Morris Christensen 50 in ina a group sponsored by Mrs Marcus Miss Mis Sally Saly Frank is general chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man and all al interested are invited to make reservations tons with Miss Frank at 1425 East South Temple street or with wih Mrs Louis Loui Marcus Saturday evening the members of the thc Alpha Chi sorority will wH be entertained enter enter- tamed tined at an informal dancing party to be given by the pled pledge e members of oC the sorority Miss Kathryn Kathry Price Prie is committee chairman Miss Mary is in charge of oC the decorations and assisting nrc ore Miss May Ro Rogers ers Miss Kathryn Bodkin Miss Josephine Wood and Miss Mis Rhoda Brown The affair Hair will vill wi be held at the chapter house 13 1355 5 East South Temple street street An informal dancing party will wi be given Saturday evening by the active alumni and pledge chapters of the Sigma Nu fraternity The Te event will willbe willbe wi be held at Pinecrest inn in Emigration tion ton canyon Miss Louise McHugh and Charles Larsen are planning a dinner and dancing party pirty to be given Saturday evening in the Union buldin building by the Spurs and the Blue Bue Key societies Sigma Chi fraternity announces the Initiation of Arch Webb Alan Median Me Me chan dian Norman Kirkham Alan David Reese Horace Howell Howel and D David Da Darid rid vid Henderson and the pledging of Bill Stratford Bi S Phi literary sorority has sleeted elected Alice Alce Ward president Pauline Pau Pau- line lne vice vie president t Virginia Parsons secretary tr and Anne Cannon treasurer for Cor the coming year car |