Show I Accused Possessor Of Gin Gives Bail BaO Bai Vern Stillman 36 arrested by police po- po po lice ce morals moral and federal officers Friday night while allegedly riving driving an automobile in which two cases caes of gin were seized was at liberty lib lib- lb erty ery under 00 bail bai Saturday pend pend- log ng appearance in police court Monay Mon Mon- on day charge harge ay to t plead to t a liquor possession Stillman was wa arrested In an alley alleyn aley in n the rear of the Windsor pool hall haJ 22 25 South Sout Main street according to police reports report The Te officers reported they ley seized the automobile in addition addi addi- ion tion ton to t the te gin which they said id bore boie bOIe labels abels label purporting to t show it was wa imported im im- ported liquor Chief of ot Police William L. L Payne Paye said said aid police are investigating and that more I arrests arrest may follow |