Show IN NICK OF TIM No Farm Product at a Profit Experts Say By JOHN p. p BOUGHAN Associated Press Market pL- pL CHICAGO Feb 13 upturns whether from credit e sion or crop scares are arc JU iut t i nick of time n t Trade authorities here I belief today that no fat rn selling at a profit considering proud costs and that this is isas as to grains In Iii addition to bu results of credit expansion the wheat market promises to sensitive to any of subnormal yields Compared with a week vec ago J this morning ranged from 1 I cents higher with cot corn i 8 1 s to towi 34 up UI oats unchanged to 3 34 cent ff and vance provisions varying fr cents decline to a rise of 7 A popular assumption in itt the hi trade that is it appears reasonable expect crop news to dominate thin the rest of February which Is hit t period of crop scares price upturns a One leading specialist says any 0 that will keep the winter crop down to an average ri would be potentially bullish oj to the much smaller acreage Oni oj other hand the outlook is that Unit States spring wheat acreage will enlarged owing to the smaller aj of winter wheat L First authentic reports of darn ar arc from the southwestern win wh wheat belt Cold weather ha has caused deterioration 1 western Kansas and made the over the western third of the t none too favorable Official s-jj s are arc that acres seeded thi tir had n a below bolow normal start owing drouth Experts assert it will be beo a aa a few weeks before definite info tion is at hand as to probable at ab in that area In the corn market lack of a bc shipping demand is responsible accumulation of stocks at terni points despite relative scantiness receipts There is some of cold weather damage to the win win- oats crop in the south Provisions have been held down dog prices the lowest since 1899 |