Show m mm p pI I I IToman's 1 Woman's Womans Bath From Fire Hose i ij Costs City 20 0 I S I II I 1 Most people grin and bear it when they catch cold but butI but but- I 1 Mrs Rose Smith Eighth I East street gets paid for catchI catchIng catch- catch I I. I in Ing cold 0 The Thc cit eit ye her I day I 1 II I 1 The appropriation was based I II I on a claim for 40 filed by Mrs Smith The set forth I that she was drenched from a aI afire 1 I 1 fire ire hydrant December 21 at I 1 II I Broadway and State streets A careless city turned I the hydrant on before the hose I II I to a street lusher flusher tank was 0 0 securely attached causing the water to be sprayed on Mrs I II I Smith I Besides damaging her cloth clothing doth doth- I ing and several Christmas I packages she carried Mrs I I Smith asserted the incident 1 I caused her to contract a severe 0 I cold 0 I |