Show Chinese of City Raise Funds for Nationalist Work Gathering in Plum Alley Subscribes Subscribes Sub Sub- scribes Expects to Take In 2000 More Fit six Fifty six of Salt Lakes Lake's Chinese gathered in the shuttered mysterious drabness of Plum alley turned their heads momentarily toward the shell shell- racked land of their ancestors and an hour later had subscribed to their nationalist governments government's cause I By Monday William On Chong the thc leader Jeader said we expect to raise at ai least 2000 more The fund will be forwarded from San Francisco to Generals Chang hang Quong Nai and Tsai Ting Tint Gai Gal Gaim Galin in m in Shanghai as Salt Lal Lakes Lake's portion of ofa a nationwide voluntary relief fund It is to be used Mr l On Chong explained to help pay Chinas China's soldiers sol diers and to provide pro food and clothIng clothIng cloth cloth- in Ing for the homeless At the Plum alley meeting there was no slapping backslapping waving flag ceremony Through the lighted dim fog of bamboo water pipes On Chong spoke rapidly told how every em- em aloye of Chinese chain stores in San Francisco and Salt Lake had contributed contributed contributed contrib contrib- a n months month's salary to a total of and then added simply We must give too tool |