Show round nn n- n the 1111 lii Town 1 c Salt alt Lake Sidelights LIKE HOME IE Opportunities for Mexicans in the oiled States during the last Jast year car card d a half hall have not been so good and returned to live Jive 1 their native country county where there more advancement for them acCO according ac- ac ding cording CO to G. G Padres Jr secretary of I G. G Domin Domingucz local Mexican con con- ml unemployment conditions so sod tad od d in the United States my countrymen country- country men gien ien have found it necessary to return 10 10 Mexico to seek seck their livelihood fes e declared A large Jarge number have left the western states and Utah I Mr Padres also announced that mere here ere are arc now 50 Mexican consulates a ill the United States both career and This is the largest number he Mexican government has ever everd iad d in America Ameri He said the United States tates has 25 consulate offices in his inc including a consulate genral gen- gen ral l in Mexico City 21 career and andhree honorary There are five Mexican consulates 11 n Canada three honorary and two caw ca ca- w he said eer I SOO SOON SOON FRESH FRESH GREENS Fresh vegetables from the I Moapa valley will soon be on the the markets in Salt SaIl Lake coun- coun I ly ty according to Leonard S. S 1 Fenn federal markets news re re- 1 porter Mr Fenn says ays that carrots arc usually the first I. I L vegetables to reach this market mar mar- r 1 r ket with radishes and other r bunch products following l. l AT T FISHING G GOOD feat fishing is good these days in lake Jakc according to John F F. Men Men- secretary member of the tate land board Mr Mendenhall is isi L i native of Utah county and occasion occasion- illy Lily goes to the lake Jake for a week end it t fishing He says he hc always has angling excellent about the ime inc ice breaks up 4 GETS NATIONAL RECOGNITION National recognition of Salt Lakes Lake's U to increase facilities for winter ports is contained in the current isue isue isue is- is ue of Recreation official magazine f fhe he National Recreation association lew York City The article is accompanied by a of one of the three an n slides erected at Liberty Fair Fair- and Pioneer parks this winter Hie be slides have been patronized b by of children 1 HOLDS BOLDS FAVORED SPOT Utah holds a favored ored spot in inthe inthe the thoughts of C. C W. W Kukendall Kuken dall dali U. U S. S A A. retired 0 Mr Kuykendall Kukendall former sergeant sergeant ser ser- 1 geant in F company infantry in infantry in- in fantry Fort Douglas retired last June with special ceremonies nies at the post 0 He now lives on Utah street in San Diego Cat Cal 0 ABSENT BUT nUT SELDOM 1 Gedrge Geth-e E. E acting rc register regis regis- is' is istel ter tel of the United States land Jand office in A Salt Lake filed tiled a new claim for conscientious public service Fri Fri- day I On Ma May 2 29 of this year car he revealed revealed re re- re- re he heill will ill have served 33 consecutive consecutive consecutive con con- years in the land Jand office under five different registers J Durin During that period he has been absent from front duty on sick leave but four times l' l t |