Show Yon d Be says say University Annie of Utah Ross coed and a member of the junior prom committee as she ties tics up a box of the coed favors for the annual annual an an- nual event No one outside the committee knows what the box contains 0 0 I 7 S M'S rt I r j sc F r I j i v 1 t 4 ch I Junior junior l Proms Prom's 11 s Secret Baffles I 1 TT Coeds at IT U U Committee Declines to Reveal Reveal Reveal Re Re- veal Nature of Souvenirs Souvenirs Souvenirs for Schools School's Big Social Event What are they going to tC This is the question puzzling co coeds coeds coeds co- co eds of the University of Utan i t ward iward warding arding ard- ard ing lag the favors ors for the annual junior promenade next Friday in the Union building However the nature of or the souvenirs souvenirs firs remains a deep and will not be revealed until the Tight ight 1 of the event ent according to Richard Parr Parry Parry Par Par- r ry chairman of the cOmmittee The festivities will begin with open pen house louse programs to be given gi by all 11 of the he Greek letter Jetter societies es en cn the campus The fraternities Will wal hold open house Wednesday from fromI 4 I o G 6 Gp p p. p x m. m and md the sororities on the hc following following fol- fol lowing owing da day between the same hours The prom will vill begin Friday at 9 p p. 3 m. m The grand march nd distribution distri- distri ution o of favors will b held at 11 p. p m. m to be followed by supper The Thc dancing will continue 2 n n. n m. m t |