Show Erickson Gets Another Major League Chance By the Associated Press Ralph Lief Erickson le left handed pitcher will take another mother whirl at major league baseball this year tills this time with the American league The year old hurler whose first firs major league experience came came with the Pittsburgh Pirates of the thc National Na Na- league In 1929 1029 will get a chance this season with the Chicago White Sox In 1931 1031 Erickson started with Dallas Dallas Dallas Dal Dal- las of the Texas league but the Steers had more pitchers than they needed and loaned him to Shreve Shreve- port Irked at this perhaps ErIckson Erickson Erickson Erick ErIck- son turned around and beat Dallas four times He pitched a no-hit no game against Houston the fourth of ot his career At the University of Idaho where he also played football and basketball Erickson pitched two no- no hit games and later he be hurled another another an an- ot other er in the Blue Mountain league a L semipro organization |