Show Speculators Shade Copper to t 7 84 75 8 5 NEW N YORK July 28 2 S Smal iF-Smal Smal lots lot of copper today were Jm available in the domestic market a al 75 3 cents cent The metal apparent apparent was wa speculative copper as produce producer continue to quote 8 cents a poun pound delivered for their metal and cuto custon custo smelters are holding at 7 73 4 4 3 cents ii the domestic market An Increase In imports of unman copper by the umani Unite Unie United States during June was a. reported b bj the American Bureau of ot Metal sta Stai Last months month's Import amounted to metric tons cm corn pared with tons in Ma May an and ana tons in April Apri Exports of ot refined copper from th the United States increased slightly t tons in June compared wI 1570 tons ton in May The total fo foi fol April AprI was wa tons |