Show I U f S SEEK TO REORGANIZE m G B BANKS 4 I il MT PLEASANT July 28 The 8 The fol fol- ng committee has been selected 1 r. r work out a plan of consolidation 4 dud reorganization of the Mount b. b nt Commercial and Savings k and nd the North Sanpete bank th of ot which recently closed 1 their doors Dr r P PL k Holman chairman Reed f Allred secretary H. H G. G Ericksen Anderson and James W. W arence c 1 all of or whom represent the d des de- de s with John K K Madsen and H M M. Nielson representing the Pleasant Commercial and bank and W W. D D. D C C fad d C C. Cw W W. Sor Sorensen risen representing thet the theS S t forth Sanpete bank If At a mee tin of this committee eid Sunday July 26 It was found hat rl banks favor a D. consolidation and bat they will work with the state comm commissioner ioner In effecting plans 6 this end The Inventory now un tin ler ter ef way In e each h bank by state bank Is e expected to be completed 3 tome e time next week and nd w when this t mes available th the will 1 f convene vene to proceed with Its work |