Show I Dividends I I I Great t Atlantic it Pacific T Tea company a di directors directors di- di reg rectors declared r rt an extra dividend of 25 cents a share shue in addition to io the regular quarterly disbursement of 1150 a share hare hae on the he le common stock payable September 1 to stockholders of record August Augu t 7 Vick Financial corporation directors director de declared de de- cared a quarterly dividend of 74 cents cenea cent on the common stock st payable August 15 H to stockholders of record August 5 6 This places the stock on a cent 30 annual basis bai i tt 40 b c cents ct previously e I Reynolds Reynold Metals company directors director de declared de de- stared a 0 dividend of 37 31 7 cents cent cent a a share hae Placing the stock stok on a 1150 annual basis buls against 2 12 previously Directors Director of Federal Water Service Serice corporation cor cor- have declared a quarterly dividend of 30 cents a e share hae on the class cus A stock stol payable September 1 to stockholders of f record August August 6 8 6 This places ples the the stock on ona a annual bal basis against 40 prevIously previously Dividends Dividend on the stock are AC cumulative cumulative to the extent of 2 52 annually Studebaker corporation directors to today a declared tho th hs h's regular quarterly dividend 0 of 30 cents e a share e on the common stock payable pay pay- able I September r b 1 10 to ol stockholders io of record g d i iAu Au cust 10 Illinois Central railroad directors director declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1 S 1 on the common stock stoel find and the tho regular semiannual semiannual semi semi- leml annual dividend of 3 3 on the preferred both payable September S 1 to stockholders of record August 7 Directors of United Engineering corporation corpora corpora- lion tion declared nn Rn extra of 35 cents cent etra ton a I share In addition additon to the r regular culo quarterly disbursement of 40 cents a share hare on the common cOmon both payable parable Au August 14 U to stockholders stockholders stock stock- alok- alok holders holder of record August 4 |