Show Highway Accident Injures Guardsman Sergeant John Kendrick of Nephi a member of the field artillery of t the Utah national guard traveling r to Salt Lake on official business sideswIped a car driven by Vedo Dell 2109 McClelland street Salt Lake on the state highway three o oa of ofa ofa a a mile south of Pleasant Grove at 2 p. p m. m Tuesday and is now in the post pos hospital at Fort Port Douglas Sergeant Kendrick is reported report d to have ha been rounding a curve while traveling at a a. high rate of speed Dells Dell's car u was as coming from the north As Kendrick attempted to pass paM th the theother theother other automobile his speed forced him to the wrong side of the road Dr B C. C Linebaugh of Pleasant Grove Gro administered first aid to th the victim at the scene of ot the thc mishap The accident was vas investigated by Deputy Sheriffs Reuben Christensen and Joseph Gourley of Provo |