Show fr Two o U Killed l Pair Are Injured in i Automobile Mishaps r Helper Youth Former Mendon Mendon Mendon Men- Men don Teacher Die as f Week Begins I A old 15 boy was killed ii on the Ibe Helper Helper highway a Mendon Utah sch school teacher was killed near Rexburg a Salt Lake man was Struck down by a truck In Ogden a woman man 82 years rears of ot age was knocked down in Logan All these were state traffic accidents for the beginning of ot th tb the week 1 Driver Held for Fatal Accident PRICE July 28 GeOrge 8 George Jouflas 15 Helper died In a Price aPrice hospital at 1130 p. p m. m Monday from froni injuries sustained three hours earlier when he was struck by a car driven by Jo Joseph JosephE ph E E. J Jones nes of ot Colton Young Jouflas was standing beside the family car carat carat carat at the side of ot the tho Price-Helper Price highway highway high high- way while his father tather was repairing a a tire Joness Jones's car crashed into the Jouflas machine injured the boy jn Internally broke his legs and his I left atm Jones claimed there was no light lighton on the Jouflas car and that it was wasOn wason wason on the highway The elder Jouflas claims that he had his tail tall light burning and that his car was off oft the road I Jones was Jones Was held by the sheriff officers officers off 1 I cers cers claiming that he was I Killed When Her I Car ar Overturns MENDON ON July 28 28 Lillian Jensen was Instantly kill killed d in an automobile accident near Rexburg when her car overturned in loose gravel on the highway Her mother was with her but was WM not hurt Miss Jensen was a former teacher In the Mendon schools She was born here hee in in 1901 1901 a 8 daughter of ot Mr and Mrs Jens JellS Jensen She was a former tc teacher cher In the Mendon schools teaching In Parowan the past two years She was on OTI a V vacation staying atthe atthe at atthe the ranch of her brother Ether Jen- Jen ten aen near neat Rexburg Miss Jensen is survived by her parents arents and the following brothers and and- sisters Mrs Sybill Sybil Allen Rexburg Rexburg Rex Rex- burg Mrs Mae Farr Parr Arimo Mrs Agnes Acnes Mendon Milton MUton Je Jensen n. n Michigan Mrs Seymour Murray urray W Wyoming oming Ether Rexburg Funeral services will be held Inthe in inthe the tho Mendon ward chapel Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day at 2 p. p m. m Avoiding voiding On One Car Oar Js is til Hit by Truck OGDEN J July ly 28 C. 28 C. C W. W V. V Gre Grey 58 58 Salt Lake was knocked down by a truck in front of Washington avenue Monday He sustained several painful bruises s and other undetermined I mined injuries no not considered critical cal cat Mr Grey in attempting to avoid an automobile making a U turn was struck by a truck driven by J. J S. S Hoggan of an Ice lee cream concern as It wa backing away from curb Aged ged Woman Hurt Crossing on Diagonal I l I LOGAN July 28 28 Mrs Hannah 82 is recovering at her ber home here from Injuries sustained when he was knocked down by a motor I truck driven by John W. W Harry of SmIthfIeld as she was v crossing Main Street between Fourth and Fifth I orth streets Sunda Sunday Mr Harry says he was unable to tolee towe we lee the aged woman as she sho was crossing the street diagonally He picked her up and took her to a hos- hos I where sho she received treatment and was then removed to her home Mrs Carlson's Carison's right light ear was torn from tram her head and she was painfully though not critically bruised and otherwise injured She was carried on the bumper several yards before falling to the pavement and before the machine could be stopped |