Show Kings Will Vill Be Ogden Guests Senator and Mrs William WilHam H. H King Kingwill Kingwill will be guests at a dinner to be given Sunday at the Hermitage by Mr and Mrs Arthur Woolley of Ogden Mrs P. P J. J Bonner and d Mrs William Blight of Eureka will entertain at athe atthe atthe the he Bonner Donner home In Eureka for Miss Frances Prances HuIsh Hulsh a popular bride Mrs N. N V. V Hansen will entertain for the bride and Thursday Mrs V. V E. E Ek Ek- Ekoff off and Mrs C. C A. A will give a i supper for the bride in Eureka Mrs Bernard O. O Hanson entertained entertained enter enter- tamed at a prettily arranged luncheon luncheon luncheon lunch lunch- eon Monday at her home In the Hillcrest Hillcrest Hill Hill- crest apartments in honor of Miss HuIsh Hulsh Summers flowers In the bright shades were used for tor the decoration and a dozen close friends o of the to bride-to-be were in attendance Honoring Miss Huish Hulsh Mrs Nell Neil ODonnell O'Donnell entertained at an attractIvely appointed bridge supper at her home on East First South street Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day evening A profusion of late summer garden flowers decorated the rooms A pink and white color scheme was used in the table ap appoIntments appointments ap- ap and a miniature bride was at each place A dozen close friends of ot the bride were bidden They were Mrs C. C A. A Miss Helen Beesley Miss Marie BIglin Mrs B. B W. W Hanson Miss Erin Ward Vard Miss Catherine Mount Joy Mrs James Devine Miss Luclle Lucile Beesley Mrs Urs O. O R. R Turner and Miss Marie Thompson Sunday morning a a. prettily prettily tap tap- I ap-I pointed breakfast was given at the I Newhouse hotel b by Mrs C. C D. D Moore Moor Moored I and d Miss Helen Beesley for MiSs HuIsh Hulsh The guests were seated at atone atone at atone one long table centered with a large basket of flame-colored flame gladioli Covers Cov ers were laid for Miss Huish Hulsh Mrs V VE E E. E Ekloff Eklof Mrs G P. P Smith Mrs Neil Nell ODonnell O'Donnell Mrs C. C E. E Huish Mrs C. C A. A of Detroit Miss Marie Biglin Miss Marie Marie- Thomp n. n Mrs J. J C. C McGinley Mrs Harold H. H Holmes and Mrs B. B O. O Hanson The following from the San Francisco Trail Fran cisco Examiner will be of social in in- in Salt Lake Lake as as the bride who Is s I p niece of oC Mr Ir and Mrs Frank M. M Gra Gray spent a part of last summer In Salt Lake where she was extensively entertained Mr and Mrs Gray are arc in n San Francisco where they went to o attend the wedding At a lovely home ceremony last Saturday Miss Carol Ross Gray daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Alfred Gray of Los Altos became the bride of William WilHam Lucian Blythe son of Mrs W. W L. L Blythe of oC Palo Alto The service read by Dean Herbert Herbert Herbert Her Her- bert Powell was a. a performed before an improvised altar In the drawing estate of the room of ot the country brides bride's' parents in the hills hUls of Los Altos Masses of white gladioli white carnations Shasta daisies and magnolia magnolia mag mag- nolia noUa blossoms combined with greens were vere the background ground for the bridal party Cathedral candles Intall in intall tall trill candelabra decorated the altar The bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of ivory Chantilly lace laco and wedding veil el of tulle tule draped from a cap of rose point old fashioned lace ace Her Jewels were heIrlooms worn ivorn by many previous brides brIde She carried a a. bouquet of white Mrs Cloyd Gray as matron of oC honor wore yellow clow de dc desole desole sole and carried a sheaf of shaded snapdragons and delphinium Miss Dorothy Gray acted as her sisters sister's maid of honor wearing a a. pastel green frock frok Miss Mi Ruth In pastel blue and Miss Helen Bell BeJ in orchid were the bridesmaids Little Litte Gayle Marten tiny cousin of the bride and daughter of the Berg Martens of San Joe completed the brIdal party as flower girlA girlA girl girt A UA reception and buffet supper followed followed followed fol fol- fol- fol lowed the ceremony Mrs Mrs Gray mother of the bride received In a French Fench blue lace gown Miss Elizabeth PeIrce played several several several sev sev- eral violin solos during durig the evening Mr and Mrs Blythe tire are re both graduates of Stanford She is i a Kappa Alpha Theta sorority member and Mr Blythe a Phi Gamma Delta The couple will wi reside In San Fancisco Francisco where Mr Blythe Is i In business Dr A. A DeLance DeLanc Bishop has ha re returned returned re- re turned to his home in Duchesne ater af after after af- af ter several everal weeks' weeks training at Fort Douglas Dougla Dr Bishop Is a lieutenant officers officers' in the corps Mrs Edward Eward J. J Bennett Bennet of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York City formerly Miss Hazel Stevens Stevens Ste SIC vens is i visiting her parents Mr and ansi Mrs C. C B. B Stevens Mrs Stevens and Mrs John Jensen will wi give a tea Thursday from 5 to 7 p. p m. m at the Jensen Jenen home on Yale avenue for tor Mrs Bennett |