Show 5 SERVANT V NT Of RICH H HAWAIIAN W N KillED r HONOLULU T T. If IL Jan 27 UP UP- UP An unusual I ms m's mystery ry with Its locale the homo home of oC George Carter multimillionaire multi mulU- millionaire and former governor of Haft all today confronted confront d author author- ties One Ono servant of or the wealthy A American was dead slain with a hatchet while another retainer was In a critical condition In a 0 hospital hero from Crom Identical wounds Police last night discovered Mary Hopkins 38 for fifteen years a private private n vate secretary to Carter unconscious In the garage back of the Carter home hone here There were deep hatchet rounds grounds In her head An hour lat later r Henry Pritchard Cat Carters Carter's rs r's chauffeur for eight years cars was aas found In a similar condition in his living 11 quarters He died within an hour Pritchard was reported to have been seen earlier In the evening ening fleeing flee flee- lug ing from front the Carter garage route police were mystified however because they said aId It would have been en i impossIble impossible ipos- ipos sible f for f the chauffeur to have In Inflicted inflicted In- In the fatal hatchet wounds upon himself Doctors corroborated their statements Miss Hopkins was as taken to a hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital where an operation was VM hastily performed Although she was unconscious early today It was be believed believed be- be td that she would recover |