Show Year Old Year 7 Pointer I National Champion GRAND JUNCTION Tenn Jan 27 7 UP Mary UP-Mary Mary Blue yc 7 7 year rold pointer r owned by William Clark eagle Teagle president of the Standard Oil Oi company of New Jersey and handled by y Chesley Harris Ala won the national bird dog championship champion champion- ship here yesterday and had her name placed on the new R R. W W. Bingham Bingham Bing- Bing ham 2000 trophy I Her handler Chesley Harris won the 1500 cash prize Tl Tills This s was her second victory having taken the title In 1929 Yankee Doodle Jack owned by byl Jewell Hick Tulsa Ohm Okla and handled handled han han- dIed by Pete Dixon Catoosa Okla was Mary Blues Blue's competitor Yankee Yankee Yankee Yan Yan- kee Doodle Jack completely out out- pointed her and his performance on game was more t Mary Blues Blue's endurance and stamina won for her |