Show Four Deadlocked In Struggle for Cushion 3 3 on Title I CHICAGO Jan 27 W Three challengers and the defending champion champion champlon cham cham- pion plon Johnny Layton Layten of ot Sedalla Sedalia Mo were again deadlocked for the lead lend today tOOny In the struggle for the worlds world's three cushion billiard championship Allen Hall the baby of the long tournament turned the race rlee into a I free for battle last night by hand hand- tog lag the thc le leader er Otto of i I delphIa his first fint defeat 52 to 42 42 In Ina a lout long match of sixty eight e innings I As a rc result Layton Larton Hall and Arthur of Chicago tied I for first place with four victories and andi andone I one defeat C each h. h The re rest reit t of the field were cre definitely ly I I out of tho championship running I |