Show No More MOle Gas ri 1 j in jil Stomach and Bowels If It you tb to be bl p permanently re relieved re- re lIero of gas tU In stomach and bo tike B u Oas Gas Tablets which are Me I prepared especially for tor stomach ch gas and ana nil all the tho bad bat effects resulting from gas gns l re ure That empty gnawing feeling at the pit of or tho stomach will disappear that anxious ncr nervous om feeling with heart pal pal- wil vanish vanh and you will wilt again be bo able to tko tAte a n deep breath without I discomfort I That drowsy drou feeling after dinner dinner dinnet din din- ner net will be replaced by a desire for en en- Bloating will Cf ceo cease Your limbs arms arnis and lingers fingers will no longeri longer Joeger f feel l i cold aud and go to sleep Jeep because Oas Gas Tablets prevent gas from rom Interfering with the circulation Ut Oft hot t. t the genuine In the yellow jellow package at any good d drug store Price 1 jl lAdy Adv v r-v v 1 7 Tablets Bayer f 1 i Aspirin A I SAFE SAP for I COLDS t Prompt relief re from t HEADACHES SORE THROAT LUMBAGO RHEUMATISM NEURITIS NEURALGIA COLDS I ACHES and PAINS Does not harm harmI I the heart 1 4 I W WI I I SAVE BAY R tI t- t I i I ASPi A 5 PI R RI I N I r l II Ba Bayer tT package which 1 1 I contains IaIn pr proven directions t l Handy Bayer I ii I WELL KNOWN W KNOWN t-KNOWN MAN PRAISES FOR STOMACH ILLS I L Ls s I I i Studying t Stud ins and working at al the sarn time lime as I do keeps you on a strain says S 'S John Armstrong 1112 W. W Santa Sant Barbara Ave Los Angeles CalSo Gal Cal i So my mv digestion suffered I got gal s sa cc I I would have severe headaches and a 3 heavy J feeling in m my stomach alter after im meals I had gas on the thc stomach I would belch i often leaving a sour hot bo taste in m my mouth Few things agreed with meA me I A uA friend got col me mc to take come som Pape's I had bad immediate relief relic from the first few tablets f so 0 I kept on with vilh it Now I feel fine ca catall eat cat all the pastries and sweets I wan want without bad nIter alter I intend to lo keep on with wilh Pape's until I am lm sure my ray trouble vont ont come back The tablets arc are pleasant to chew and sure get set results quickly Pap Pape's s 's is the be best l th thing I yet ct discovered ered to end digestive worries c give gie tone to a disordered stomach increase se appetite make digestion vigorous and complete Its Us success s in in so 50 many many cases where everything every every- thing else eke has bas failed tailed proves that thaL All AU drugs drugstores lares sell cell th tb these harmless pleasant tablets If you prefer to t try y them before buying a letter leller to Pape Pape's s D Wheeling V. W. Va will bring a n sample box FREE ES r. r C L. lit lit- CHIC J PILLS TUa 4 t fw Ll I. Ask ht Ur U g DU nd riU la Ia BoS it ai j i G Gid born t In t J J ft j iOk U YlI TUG T ToU B Rey of f il- il hez Alt tk I C PIA BRANO DRAND i h I. I n. n Buy Ne ZY JY au sn Cut Your Expenses Th The iet way to cut and uve zye money this winter I Si it Sito to prevent sickness expense Thousands of women are arc adopting the a h health habit of giving giving- a mild lun laxative li vc to every member of the tho family once a 6 week weck Thus preventing or checking check check- ing ng colds colde headaches and conati constipation pation NA NATURES NATURE'S wany- wany N being N-being being 8 safe t mild and vegetable all is ia I ideal for thU this family use UEe Try it and save un I sickness ex expense ne n.e. Only K tR T Tonight Tomorrow t Alright n. n k Q ick I 10 ho t. on and andI I I for sour Ia elo-Ia a antacid On I heartburn U 11 en era I I Vt THE RADIO OF TODAY AND TOMORROW THE TIlE ST STUDIO LOWBOY 7 Screen Screen- Grid Receiver tN 4 tuned circuits circuit Power detector Screen grid push pull audio new type dynamic reproducer reproducer- compact in size Handsome cuned curved front cabinet Price less tubes tuber r 4 f Stubborn Coughs Ended by Recipe Mixed at Home Here flere e is IB the famous femons old recipe millions of b have found to tob tobe tobe b be the most dependable ni of break break- lot log up a stubborn linking cough It takes but a mo moment ent to prepare an and costs little but it real relief relict eie eTen for those dreaded coughs that follow severe cold epidemics Fr m any druggist ret get 24 oun ounces of or pour it Into a pint vint bottle bottIe and fin an U Uthe the bottle with plain granulated sugar augar syrup or strained honey boney Thus Thai you OU make a full pint of better remedy than you yoa could buy boy ready-made ready for three thre times the cost cort It never spoils and tastes taste 89 ao good that even children like it Not only dots doca this simple mixture soothe an and heal the Inflamed throat membranes with surprising ea ease eane but bat also it it il absorbed Into tire the blood and ami acts directly upon t th the bronchial tu tubes thus aiding the whole system in throw threw in lag ing r off the ibe cough It loosens the em- em laden phlegm and eases usa c chest st In a Ii way woy that is really astonishing rica Pines t ii a highly bibly con concentrated lOC pound of genuine Norway Norna Pine containing eon con the tho active a agent nt 0 of creosote tf i ia in m ina a a. refined palatable pol form Nothing known in medicine is more roon helpful incases In la cases 9 of distressing coughs chest cheat colds aid ad bronchial trouble Do not a accept pt a substitute for Finer Pina It is guaranteed M to give iTO prompt relief or money moncy refunded Mv YOUR decision to buy a General Electric J- J Radio is an assurance against disappointment disappoint disappoint- ment meat now or in the future So new in d design sign so replete with every tried and proved idea in modern radio is this type new receiver that you know it cannot be improved upon or surpassed until long after your investment investment investment invest invest- ment has earned ample repayment in the form of countless hours of supreme radio enjoyment Enjoyment enhanced by the thrill of getting new distant stations as a result of FULL RAJ RANGE GE Sensitivity t Pleasure unmarred by overlapping stations made possible by FULL RANGE Selectivity An entirely new conception conception con con- of tone fidelity is yours with the richness gained from FULL PULL RANGE Tone oJ There is a General Electric Radio Dealer t near you 0 He will be glad to give you a 3 demonstration of FULL PULL RANGE Radio performance and show you the four our fine cabinets He will tell you ou of the new and unique G-E G Certified Inspection Plan that assures your our set adequate attention Under the Budget Payment Plan a small smaIl down payment brings you the General Electric Radio you select vr iri I 0 0 0 11 t Ii I THE uh HIGHBOY J. J SU Super Heterodyne ltd with ui local distant twitch and tone Ion ton control Remote ton control available at additional cost cott Brown Broun we teal wa- wa rI i nut nul cabinet with u French door doors Price 50 ii fat tubs tubes 2 i J v fri 4 M ii i I I t I I J I THE RADIO RADIO PHONOGRAPH PHONOGRAPH COM COM- 9 y I I 11 I I Heterodyne ne Local ral tone U control and home borne recording equipment including microphone 4 blank b records and andS THE TIlE LOWBOY LO LOWBOY 9 y 9 Screen Grid Sup Super er dyne Fitted u tb local distant twitch switch Broun walnut needles walnut S 2 special Broun cabinet la n finish Price lest less tubes tube cabinet satin salin finish Early American design Price S less lesi tubes Tone control a additional 1 ti contro control Irol a available ble a at t additional COIL Join n a us in the General Electric ric Program every Saturday evening over a wide nation NB N.B. NBC network J I 1 e FULL 15 A Y I- I RADIO n b. b AUTHORIZED DEALERS Hansen Radio Co Fred Albers Radio Co 1088 East South Hy 18 West 1st South Was Mayfield May iel s I IU s 's O Shop Walkers Walker's Dry Goods Co 70 West South Was Radio Dept i L 7 a z 7 I |