Show I I iball PLAYS Jn ll PLAYERS a aBy By Br EVERETT S. S DE DEAN J Basketball Coach Indiana U. U Massed defenses have brought brough about a quick evolution of or offensive These defenses were hard haid to penetrate and because of this of offensive of- of tactics were changed to mee meet the situation The result was that a delayed o or slow offense was wa-s used to spread the defense out over the floor thus making making makit mak mak- ing it easier to penetrate Tl Tills This s can be done by the team ahead in score The other use of ot the delayed offense is in the final minutes of the game to keep possession of oC the ball and at the same time make offensive thrusts for short baskets basket The dela delayed ed offense as illustrated ed in the accompanying chart has been l l' l j PASS OFF NSE PATH 1017 OF i s a I used by Western Vestern conference t teams ams The offensive t team am takes the ball to Its defensive end of or the floor and waits wait until the tile defense approaches The ball bail should be passed snappily to a avoid oid inter interceptions When the entire defense comes out a pass is made to C meeting the ball he bats it back to one of the fast men breaking for the basket The fastest fastest fastest fast fast- est men should do most of the breaKing breakIng breaking breaK- breaK ing and there should be two men following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing up to retain po possession of th ball If tr they do not hot get a shot McCracken of or Indiana and Mur- Mur Murphy ph phy of Purdue arc the best t type pe of centers for the delayed offense mentioned mentioned mentioned men men- here If the offensive thrust fails rails to go through the ball should be brought back pass passed d around and tried again when conditions are right |