Show PLAN TO MAKE ANGLERS' ANGLERS MECCA OF BEAR LAKE LAIE Bear lake will wUl become a mec mecca for fishermen of the Int intermountain re region ye- ye gion slon if the plans of or the recreation committee of the chamber of commerce commerce com corn merce arc carried out Gus P. P Backman Back Back- man general secretary reports Arrangements are now being Undertaken Un tin- to have ha the Idaho legislature legislature legislature legisla legisla- ture pass a law restricting the seining sein ing of fish from Bear lake he said If It this Is done the tho Utah game commission commission com corn mission In cooperation with the United States bureau of or fisheries will undertake to stock the lake with game fish The lake contains excellent feed an and fish would grow to a n. large largo size making the lake one of or the most outstanding summer attractions In Inthe Inthe inthe the west Through the efforts cHort of or W. W v C. C Stark chairman of the chamber of commerce commerce com corn merce merco legislative committee Idaho officials have been contacted on the matter and have promised to cooperate cooperate coop coop- erate crate with Utah In innot not only preventing preventIng preventIng prevent prevent- ing seining reining but in helping to stock the tho lake with game fish rish Mr Backman Backman Backman Back Back- man states |