Show LAKE KE TELEGRAM THUR THURl DACKMAN ACKMAN H HOST SI SITO TO Gus clus P. P Backman general manager man man- ager oger agel of or the the Z C. C M. M I. I was host to the University of or Utah Uth football team at a banquet given at the Hotel Utah Wednesday sven evening evenin Mayor John Jolln F. F 1 Bowman James J. J J. J Burke president of the te chamber of Or Commerce P President George Thomas Tomas Thom Thom- Tom Tom- as of ot the University of Utah Monsignor Mon Mon- signor Duane G. G Hunt Lisle Smith president of the U Mens Men's club Ike Armstrong Armstrng ard anti and Assistant cUb Coach Vadal Peterson spoke The entire entre University of Utah squad was was' wain in attendance at the banquet ban ban ban- banquet duet Mr Ir Backman h has s madean made an annual anual affair Mr 11 Burl Burke e invited the tIle team which recently 1 won the tile Rocky Mountain conference championship cham chain to attend a chamber of or commerce luncheon next Wednesday Wednesday Wednes day noon non |