Show EAT FISH FOR BODY STRENGTH This Is the Advice of Two of Canadas Canada's Foremost Athletes and Trainers of Real Men Ment t Dr Donnelly Donnell a well known food authority says sis From a medical st standpoint I would like t to say that the sooner the country realizes what a valuable S asset to the health of ot the c community the tho coris of ot inore 1 fish ish would be tho the bett betted betted- the genera general general gen gen- era eral health Of t the community will willbe be bo I really think that many disease conditions prevalent in our communities communities com corn are arc directly d duo o to inefficient met met- seedIng feeding of ot tho individual and anda acmore a a. more regular uso use of t fish might h help lp to control many incidental con- con of digestive disturbances now BO SO prevalent amongst our out peo- peo eo- eo PIP pIc Americans today are sate safe guard safeguarding guard guard- ing their health moro and more More tore fish and particularly J sea fish is h Nordic Fillet met of at Haddock Had Had- Good t f dock ock-iS ock IS being consumed than w. w P 0 over v e 0 r be betre re Nordic Fillet of or Haddock is the new fresh sea fish which comes in pack- pack b and is without any doubt doubty 1 y far the tho finest fish ever offered tile the public Every ono is urged to e eat ett t ore noro orel l h h Nordic Fillets are by far far- the tha b every standpoint so no starting start ervIng ing them in your home today your our local market and o and nU have th them several times Umes ich cach ch week Ask your grocer grocer for Nordic i If h hI ha does doear not have It t phone us for name of dealer who wh does f Nordic Nordi DI Distributing Company ft J Wa Was g. g Adv Mv dk d L i k A. I The Salt Lake Telegram I I c. c Dally Daily and Sunday Established 1902 52 Main Street Phone Phon Wa atch AI All business should be b. addressed to The Salt Sail Lake Laic Telegram Salt Lake City CUy Utah The Telegram Is 18 a member of ot the tho Associated Press Pre The Tha Associated Press Preas l Is exclusively entitled to the th u use for tor republication republication re- re publication of all news new dispatches credited cred credo lied to It or 01 not otherwise credited In Inthis inthis this thi paper arid and also aiso 10 the local news published herein TI ocr DAILY AND SUNDAY 1 In Utah Ulah Idaho Idabo Nevada and Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming-DY By carrier lIe lIeper Oc per week by bt mall mail In advance one month one on year 10 All AU other stales tates 1125 15 per month SUNDAY ONLY In III Utah Idaho Nevada Ne Ne- vada and an Wyoming Wyoming-ni By mall mail In ad ad- Vance ance one year 3 93 All otter other states 6 E. E ADVERTISING BRANCH OFFICES Veree Conklin I Inc nc New York City MadiSOn Avenue Annul Chicago N. N Mich SUch Blvd Chlo Chic III lii Detroit Lafayette Boulevard It R. J. J Bidwell Company San Sail Francisco l Market Street Siret Los toa Annies Times Build Building ne Settle Scathe White Henry Stuart Building Entered as all second cla class s matter at the tb a st t Salt Lak Lake City CUT Utah under act of ot March Match 3 1879 VOL YOLo SO NO 0 da December 6 6 J I BABY DOROTHY Western Lady Proves Claim Children dont don't ordinarily take to medicines but heres here's one that all of them love Perhaps s it shouldn't be called a medicine at all Its It's more like a rich concentrated food Its It's pure lure ure wholesome sweet to the taste and sweet in your our child's childs little stomach It up builds-up aud aurl strengthens strength strength- ens wea weak puny underweight children children chil chil- dren makes them eat heartily brings the roses back to their cheeks makes them playful energetic energetic energetic ener ener- getic full of life And no bilious headachy constipated e feverish ev rish fretful baby or ever failed to respond to the g gentle influence of California Fig Ig Syrup on their little bowels It starts lazy bowels quick cleans them out thoroughly tones and strengthens them so they continue continue con con- to act normally of at their theil own accord Millions 1 of at mothers kno know about California Fig Syrup from rI- rI ence once A western mother Mrs J. J G. G Moore Cliff Av Ave San Antonio Texas says sars California Fig Syrup is certainly all that's claimed for it I have lutto proved that proved that with my ny little ittle Doroth Dorothy She was wa J a baby and andely very ely delicate Her lIeI bowels were weak I started her on Fig Syrup when she was a few months old and it regulated her quick I have used it with her ever over since for colds and every little setback and her wonderful won won- condition tells better than words how it helps Dont Don't be Imposed on See that the tho Fig Syrup you ou buy bears tho the name California so 80 you'll get the ine me famous for 50 years ears Adv Cullen Garage 37 West 2nd South SALT LAKE CITY Tel Wasatch Open D y yand and Night Rod Service Storage Per Month and Up w L What Twit Doctors D b toleS Think 1 of of the the a Laxative I Habit I II I In all history no Indian wa vu ever known to have constipation Nor need YOU Ho He chewed the bark of at a tree tree called cascara Today Today Today To- To To To- day we Save the candy the bowels never forms a laxative habit I It If already formed an occasional Will usually break the tho habit For casara cascara cascara cas cas- cara ara strengthens th the muscular walls of ot the bowels arid and their need of ot any aid at al alj n grows constantly constantly constantly con con- less What other other cathartic cathar cathar- tic tie has this characteristic The writer J knows n s of at ot non none An evacuation brought g gently about by cascara will nine times in ten be followed by full tull functioning functioning functioning of at the bowels on n the morrow mor mor- row row and and for da days davs s after For there is ly no REACTION as with sickening salts or any of at the tho manmade manmade manmade man- man made purgatives that go goo through ones onea system like mee a bullet l Physicians tell teU us cascara casear Is the Ideal laxative laxative and and the tongue tells n J- J i. i us candy are Its Ideal form At least a million people know this what a pity there are any who dont don't Especially parents because children lovo to take a After Arter which for days days- on-end on the bowels will be seen to 1 work vork of ot their own accord 1 is The habit from cascara that of regularity tone ton and train the tho bowels But at the the- first sign of at returning sluggishness sluggish sluggish- ness another Is as as asat ef- ef ef effective as the first who There isn't a druggist so WHY experiment with laxatives laxatives' laxatives Adv r 4 Bring the family Tonight Tonight Select Select your piano during Daynes-Beebe's Daynes Year Year- Yearend end Uprights G U a 4 Players i A Cut Pruce Grands Out Close Reproducers r d Deeply Cut Prices 10 0 Sends Your Choice ome No More to Pay This Year Begin Easy Payments in 1929 Brand New Upright Pianos 4 You would scarcely expect to find pianos planes I Ill II I Ill I like these selling under or but you can get yours during this sale at the NEAR COST figure of only and 10 sends it home home no no more to pay till 18 1 8 7 1 I seat 1929 and A full music size compartment duet bench goes with with hinged it I I I FREE and you get the whole outfit at the i i y only only sensational special PRICE CUT of jJ I II v USED PLAYER PIANOS With New Brand-New FREE Rolls A Bench to Match and FREE Here you will find a fine assortment Delivery of highest class world famous makes makes exchanged exchanged instruments instruments but but each one put thru our shop and THOROUGHLY RENEWED RE 15 5 made made AS NEARLY LIKE NEW AS POS POS- I SIBLE Many LIKE BRAND Prices vary vary all all allCUT CUT TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CENT Your fa favorite fa k makes here at a HUGE SAVING A variety of sizes styles and woods and prices range from Mr I Beautiful iA New Brand-New i Baby Grands 10 Down 17 Brand New Player Player- Pianos I young o or old s sc sA c can PIANO PIANO every A get pe a every world jd member of n pleasure of t the out family of one of these wonderful player This sale is your chance to get yours at a figure that Is within 8 of Vz prIce c 2 8 3 t 10 sends en s NO NO MORE TO PAY THIS YEAR then begin easy weekly or monthly payments You Youg g get t a FREE bench to match the player piano and anda a big lot of NEW BRAND rolls of your own own choice Outfit complete cut special during this sale to only USED UPRIGHT PIANOS Any used upright piano bought during this sale may be e traded back within 1 year and all payments made will be credited in full on any new piano you select This gives you FREE USE of the used plane piane 71 U if for 1 year 3 A I FISCHER Goes for Upright 25 STORY Upright Goes CLARK for for K Kc c C 1 0 W CHICKERING Upright Goes for 65 MELVILLE Upright Goes CLARK for 27 U V. V PEERLESS Upright STEINWAY Upright Ji I Goes for ITU Goes for U GILBERT Upright STEINWAY Upright I Trade in your Upright or 14 Bench Goes for i 1 2 l. l LJ 5 Goes for LI 9 II Player at Full FU Cash Value t HARVARD Upright EVERETT EVEREIT Upright IL on This Dainty Grand i FREE Goes for U Goes for Daynes-Beeb Daynes Music COli C 61 to 65 So Main Mah Nothing Takes The Place Of A Piano In Your YOUl Home iv iL i i i C 1 |