Show I 1 I 1 1 U t 2 DEPARTMENTS JOIN IN ASKING DilliON DOllARS WASHINGTON D. D C. C Dec 6 C CAP AP AP AP-A. A dollar billion-dollar appropriation tion Uon bill greeted eted the tho house hOUS in its first T al business session the sesSion the treasury and postoffice d departments depart Put ments merits joining together in askI asking g congress for tor to cany carry canyon on ort their business during the next fiscal year Th The bill bili Was vas reported report d to th the house today by Its appropriations committee com com- It was the first of ot the tM rind nine annual supply measures to come be before be- be fore foro tho the short session and probably ably will wUl bo be taken up by the house tomorrow The Tho measure carrying for tor continuing Work york on federal building projects heretofore initiated and for prohibition enforcement the enforcement the largest argest ever OVer to bo bG provided for this ls work work- work represented pt Sent tl an Iner Increase Increase- as of t over th the curr current nt a appropriation and nd a a. de decrease de- de crease cleMO of ot from tho the 1030 budget bt t estimates t s. s ASK INCREASE Th The de department would b be given n tho the bulk Of t the tot total l an increase liSo of ot over current appropriations appropriation's pro n while tho the treasury Would get a n. decrease of ot The committee Concurred d in the budget t bureaus bureau's re recommendation Uon to abolish th the mint at Carson Careen N Nev V. V now functioning only as an all assay office and nd It also eliminated d provision pro pro- ro- ro vision for the tM assay iSsay office c at t Salt SaIt Luke Lake ke City Both sh should be abol abol- shed tI the s said ld because of or th the tho small lI ani amount of or b business s dOns done and the proximity of other f fed eral offices Where the work may be performed Tho The network of airmail airman lines In inthe tho the United states has b been Cn ex extended cic- cic x tended Until the postal service fil filers m. m ers era traverse mil miles s dally daily orO o over or r rO routes k which touch sixty sixty five five n million mil mu- lion persons MORE LINES LOOM W W. Irving Glover r. r s second assistant assist ant postmaster l' l general l testifying b before fot the tho house a appropriations pr subcommittee explained ln d also that a li 21 number r of or additional l lines liMS were b being l g contemplated d With th tho probability that s service w would bo be started on th them before the be begInning beginning ho- ho ginning of ot the next fiscal l year Airplanes gradually are aro assuming the tIle burden of Alas Alaskan an dog teams b bearing aring passengers malt mall and nd freight distances making trips in hours that would require lequire weeks week f for r the tM dogs to travel through the snows Glover Clover asking an fin increase for the thea a appropriation for mail mall transportation tion in Alaska told toM the house postoffice postoffice post- post office appropriations subcommittee that tho the d demand n nd for airplane m mall mail service in Alaska was partially lly responsible responsible re- re for fOI the tho request |