Show v vP P PASSING Of fARM Bill D DURING RIN THI THIS Haugen Fores Foresees es Failure After Agricultural Committee Com Corn Meets BOULDER BATTLE ON R Reapportionment apportionment Question Question Ques Ques- tion Before Committee WASHINGTON Dec 6 AP AP- AP While the senate and house were dominated today by the he Boulder dam legislative fight and disposal of the tho treasury post office appropriation appropriation appropriation requirements respectively the long lived farm relief discussion discussion discus discus- sion was being heard in the corridors corri corn dors The house agricultural committee commit commit- tee got together to outline Its program program program pro pro- gram and when the meeting broke up Chairman Haugen expressed doubt that It would be possible to pass an adequate farm relief measure measure mea inca sure at th this s session The full portent por per tent of his words was a matter for speculation since there has been no unanimity of opinion among those thos primarily interested In the agricultural agri agricultural gri cultural situation as to whether an extra session would be n necessary to handle it If The setto between Senator Johnson Johnson Johnson John John- son son Republican California and the two Arizona J Democrats Democrats-Ashurst Ashurst and nd Hayden was Hayden was up continua forr u tion n Boulder dam dams Johnson had gotten tile the e senate to to tosu su substitute the tle bill passed by the house for his specific measure with the understanding understand understand- ing that none of the numerous amendments proposed by it Its opponents opponents opponents would be Jeopardized Meanwhile the reapportionment question was up again before th the house census committee now new with a better outlook Chairman Snell of the r rules iules iles committee said he i thought a new reapportionment bill might be passed this session I Sen Hayden Offers Offers Offers' Amendment to Bill WASHINGTON Dec 6 AP AlAn AP- AP An amendment to the Boulder canyon canyon canyon can can- yon dam bill bilI regarded as a concrete attempt to compose the water distribution distribution distribution dis dis- dis- dis differences between Arzona Arizona Arizona Ari Ari- zona and California was offered to today today today to- to day by Senator Hayden Democrat Arizona as senate debate on the measure was resumed The proposal would give Calif or- or Continued on page 6 PASSING PASSING PASING OF FARM BILL BILL DURING THIS SESSION DOUBTED Continued from page 1 1 feet acre-feet ot or water of ot the allotted d to the lower Colorado ado basin states of Nevada Arizona and California to Neada and O to Arizona Another 1000 feet acre-feet have been allotted to the lower loer basin states and nd of this Arizona would receive halt under under- Haydens Hayden's amendment The Arizonans Arizonan's proposal also would snake necessary ratification of ot the Colorado river ri compact by all seven stats stats-j In irs the basin before the Boulder Boulder Boulder Boul- Boul der canyon project could be commenced com corn One pf of the principal stumbling locks to an agreement on the legIslation leg leg- to construct th the huge project e t on the Colorado river has been the am amount un of water to be allocated to A Arizona and California for ton lon purposes California has Insisted that its Ir Irreducible irreducible ir- ir r reducible minimum is acre acre feet Arizona's needs are I predicated on the states state's supposed future requirements since it is conceded that at present It is not prepared to use all of the water she has Bias tas been asking which originally was i acre Of Ot greater Interest to Arizona than thap the power ower or flood control phases of the bill Senator Hayden said Is that of water distribution He held that the entire future of or orthe the state was was being ing held In the bal bal- ance Senator King Democrat Democrat U Utah tl who has opposed the bill bm ob observed oh- oh served that inasmuch as there is s ohly only feet acre of water ater In question between these states I hope the senators from California and Arizona will conciliate so that the compact can be ratified He said he had bad always felt that California had been somewhat stubborn stubborn stubborn stub stub- born in Its position but ut that he be hoped a way could be found to get around the objections of that state |