Show John D D. Sr Si Speeding South For Winter in Florida NEW YORK Dec 6 AP John AP-John John D. D Rockefeller Sr was speeding southward today for his annual winter sojourn at Ormond Beach Fla With him Is a a. retinue of nurses and servants He Is due at Ormond Ormond Ormond Or Or- mond at o'clock tonight Wearing goggles goggle and a a. gray cap with long earflaps Mr Rockefeller ler er came to the city yesterday esterday from fron his ils estate at at Pocantico Hills lima and boarded the train at Pennsylvania station I am feeling fine lne and expect an enjoyable stay In Florida he told his ils old friend William Egan the station master I wasn't feeling so good the past summer Then he posed for photographers I dont don't mind being photographed It if f it isn't done unexpectedly be he remarked These flashlights bother i me mt when Im I'm hot not looking lookin for them I Aid Aided d only by his heavy walking stick sUck Mr Rockefeller walked slowly slow- slow l ly y across the concourse of the bl big bic terminal and into an elevator which took him to a lower level where he boarded his special car John J. J Rockefeller Jr who vho who usually usually usually ally goes to the station to s seo o his father father- off on his trips was not there this time They had bade each other farewell earlier In the day S |