Show PORTLAND I PORTLAND Ore Aug 9 Cattle D.-atte- D. Cattle 63 bidding steady on calves I none sold early market compared week ago lower calves calve steady to to SOc lower weeks week's bulk prices Beet Beef Bee elena aters a few Monday Mondy cows and heifers few tew heifers helter helt- helt ers era at canners and cutters er bulls buls odd head i best light veal calves others others Hogs Hog ReceiPts Hogs Receipts 99 19 contract compared compared compared com com- pared with week ago Steady weeks week's bulk prices Desirable weight butchers butcher 1100 weightier butchers 1060 down heavy packers packer and slaughter pigs pigs feed feed- teed ers era er mostly 9 00 a few tew Monday at Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 2 contract t compared com COOl pared week ago Fat FIt lambs higher closing weak weale Weeks Week's bulk buIlt prices Mount Adams lambs mostly I 1075 good valley valey lambs Jambs straight or 1050 without sorting but with a 25 5 dockage account heavies and andI culls cull aged stock steady a few tew yearlings year year- culs lings a few ewes ewe I 50 |