Show AliENIST fiNDS YOUTHS YOUTHS' UNION MURDER BASIS I Had Loeb and Leopold Never Met Franks Crime Would Not Have Been Committed Claim Made tisE h- h cago eago Aug ug t U tA The P P The The Unfortunate un unfortunate un- un fortun fortunate te un union on of or f th the per personalities of Nathan r F F. Leopold Jr and RIchar Richard Richard Rich RIch- ar ard Loeb was wa 85 the only cause from the tbs psychiatric standpoint for tor the murder of ot 14 14 year e lold Robert Franks D Dr D.- H H. H S. S Hulbert deI defense defense de de- tense alten alienist st testified before Chief I Justice John R. R Caverly erly today Unless these two both boys bo s both of ot them weak personalities personalities had had come together the present crime wo ld never ne have been beep perpetrated d. d Dr Hulbert declared Although neighbor friends as little lit littIe little lit lit- tle tIe children they never nc came close together until about four years ears ago until each had been in need of ot a complementing factor Neither r-elther was competent unto himself Neither I could h have he e committed the murder single CLOSELY QUESTIONED Dr Hulbert under the examination examination examina examina- tion of ot Walter Waller Bachrach defense attorney went into great detail In Ina Ina ina a description of or young Leopolds Leopold's physical neurological psychiatric condition The endocrines endocrine's or ductless glands of or the sla slayers ers were dwelt on at length by Dr Hulbert The conclusions conclusions con con- elusions reached on the examination examina- examina tion of the endocrines will play an Important part in the case Clarence Clarence Clarenee Clar- Clar 1 ence enee Darrow chief defense attorney I ney said As a result of his examination of ot young oung Leopold Dr Hulbert said saidi saide he e had come to the conclusion that I Leopold was suffering fro a diseased dis eased discrepancy between the In Intellect intellect in- in and arid emotions DISORDERS EFFE EFFECT T LIFE This conclusion Dr Hulbert said was based on the fact that his endocrine en- en gland db disorders had a c de definite definite de- de finite 4 fe t upon his his- We me crl cruel eL t bis pr r pra-r mentality his keenness of ot wit and his lack of moral development development development devel devel- are evidence of or this he said He said he found round In Leopold early sex development and a strong sex I urge He also found extremely low blood pressure a slow pulse thick skin large and and poorly conditioned teeth and a disorder of ot the glands Court adjourned at noon until Monday morning when the alienists alienists alien allen will resume their testimony for tor forthe forthe the defense U CRIMINAL AL COURTROOM COURTROOM CHI CAGO Aug 0 d dreams centering on a a- king stave t. t s1 ve phan phan- tas tasy made Nathan r-athan F. F Leopold Jr What he is today Dr Harold S. S Hulbert Hul Hul- bert alienist testified today at the hearing of r Leopold and Richard Loeb Loch for forthe the slaying of or Robert Robert- Franks schoolboy Leopolds Leopold's slave king started when he was still a child and was vas given Impetus by hv the readIng readIng reading read- read Ing of the story of or Saint Christo- Christo Continued on page 3 3 I Christo-I ALIENIST FINDS YOUTHS' YOUTHS UNION MURDER BASIS Continued from page 1 pher by his governess governess the doctor sam As he dwelt on the subject of or beIng being being be be- ing perfect slave Leopold sought for tor someone to enact the role of or orI I I the perfect king the witness said Leopold himself as the perfect slave of the perfect and powerful king His hunt for the perfect king culminated In his finding of ot Loeb the witness said HOLDS LOEB SUPERIOR Leopold felt that Loeb was much superior and that he was his Ideal of oC the superman the witness said This urge to be the perfect slave drove Leopold Leopod to ev every ry crime brought out at the h hearing Including including ing the murder the witness said This made Leopold what he Is Dr Hulbert testified A person usually Is a result of or what he ht contemplates admires and love Nathan nthan told me that he to lose his Inspiration after his mothers mother's death which I believe was three years ago Although as asa asa asa a small boy he was very much In Interest Interested In- In terest d In religion studying the doctrines Of or the various arious churches and classifying them hem he later gave ip up his hia hiR bell belief t in religion rc and finally decided there was no god S Leopold Leopod craved friends and friendship but due du to his peculiar nature he was unable to make In Intimates intimates in- in the doctor p F said ld INTENSELY Leopold LE sought to live Uve an unemotional unemotional unemotional life Ufe seeking instead to live one cf sheer intellect Ills philosophy philosophy phi phi- was one of ot sheer selfishness selfishness selfish selfish- ness and he ho felt himself above the laws governing the average man Dr Hulbert said Touching on Leopolds Leopold's criminal criminal- life Dr Hulbert rt said that the youthful slayer started off oU with stealing stamp stamps and cigar bands from members of ot of the the- family stealing stealing stealing steal steal- ing fruit in tire lire alarms stealing automobiles and robbing a fraternity house at Ann Arbor Mich Leopold gained no pleasure or thrill from his depredations committing committing com corn them on only because his as associate associate associate as- as Loeb suggested them the doctor said sald While Leopold was intellectually aware of the consequences consequences conse conse- he had no fear of or punishment punishment punishment punish punish- ment the tho witness said Dr Hulbert said he had discussed all aU the details of or the Franks murder murder murder mur mur- der with Leopold and that Nathan told him It would hav have been impossible impossible impossible im im- im- im possible for him to have dealt the death ileath blow This the doctor testified testified tes tes- he considered an Indication that Loeb was the actual killer as ashe ashe ashe he himself admitted d. d EMOTION LACKING As he told me each little detail or of the and murder murder- of Robert Franks Franks all all of of them agreeing agree agree- Ing Inc with Loebs Loeb's story story story-ho ho showed no emotion whatever ITo He was struggling desperately to be accurate rate that rate that seemed to be his chief interest The i end of ot life lICe is the he end of all nil he told me and said further that he had no fear whatever of or death He lie said ho thought his father should disown him and let r him hIm be bo hanged Dr Pr Hulbert said I Leopolds Leopold's motive In participating in tho the crime was wholly was as wholly duo to a ii desire of or Loeb to the perfect perfect per feet crime the doctor said Leopold wanted to postpone the project but Loeb Insisted Insist insist- ed on going ahead with it the doc doe doctor tor said |