Show H COUNCIL PASTORS WAR AR I I Pi W War War Cooperate Cooperate Campaign Cry of Utah l dl il for Prevention I Wars in the Future ife- ife I 0 ors 11 In fl aI alv ah che he local churches churche Jeen asked to begin the cam cam- Sunday to arouse the people hIto the need of for war var It was an an- an df by the Utah Council fo for of War AVar an J here last week aft aft- model Imodel of the national or or- lUJah council is Ig headed b by bysor bysor sor sot E. E It I. Erickson Erickson- protes at the University H. H Wolfe vice I I. I secre- secre and nd the tho following executive Ltee Professor E. E E. E Erick Irs vl L E. E D D. ond Rev Re Frank Lee Hunt Fox Dean Milton I Bennion y Frederick fk j J. Cox national Co Council for or the Pre Pre- War which consists s o of oC five tire organizations having a approximately EL and women is laying plans Lg nonpartisan wide nation to arouse the American Ito Uto the need ot of substituting atlon ailon for war it was an an- the local headquarters said ald that all nominees fo font for nt vice president and sen sen- f he United States will b bhe be bethe bethe the he question Mr Mr Candidate tar far will you cooperate for tot peace peace The fhe keynote of th the Ign will be Stop War Co War Co- Co lck J. J Libby executive sect sec sec sec- roL of the National Council for lion l n of War In tn urging great great- between the Che nations ward looking people In aland England In France erman and the other coun- coun f Europe a aa as well as in Latrica Lat- Lat erica rica and the orient must If we are to save and anel militarists ires U from the who constitute a minority in every country h lose hose se antagonisms plunge nai nano nanto na- na i nto no to war re must be conferences The Th of all nations need down town and talk talle over the nd rid es es that divide them II-ee II tree ee political parties In the tates have declared for a lament ament conference to be called near meat near future This confer- confer hould rould dh discuss the drastic ref reif re- re jbf if f land sea and air forces s tto to o a accomplish its purpose OIlS ns are ruining themselves piles and navies which bring lO A race for won world lacy acy in hi armaments ha has albeen albeen alteen al- al been teen started since the Wash Wash- ash Arm conference which ns ne the peace of the Ole world peed Kneed L eed a World court count where l settle our International disIch dis- dis w Ich are now being settled itch car ar method No o city no could uld live peaceably with with- court urt Tet Yet the world Is try- try ri t along without one That occur peace forces of or the country th the proposal of tnt Harding that we join the he World court count at The Hague Jias aready been accepted accented r jv seven y-seven seven of the three sixty three nde dent t nations Not No ot only onh are areat areat at at women's organizations beIls be- be fils ls proposal hut but at the sen- sen ring aring presided over ovel by Sen- Sen en- en epper and in which Senators ad ed Swanson Brandegee and nS n it participated 0 of the great church bodies presE pressed d t their heir indorsement of ot urt tnt and no io other We Ve know urt lurt IB is good because It has settled nine es IRP ER 1 of nations has no fluent over o e al the fie ens co court r rIt on onto It to f paying in the salaries of than con congress ress ha has o over ef eme court of the United although it pa pay the salaries s budges neither either In International con confer confer- or the World orld court nor a af of f nations acceptable to the thel l States will be sufficient e in Is from front war without edu- edu lVe We must educate the chit chil- peace There Thera can be no foundation for world peace children along those 1 ncr t gi the grouns gruns cooperating Jio Io o National 1 Council for Pre- Pre jf War ar are arc the following American It Association of Uni- Uni omen American Farm Bu- Bu American Fedora Federa- eachers National Board of Organizations Nfl ional lonal Board or IC O. O A A. National 1 Council of or Women National Ed Education catlon ton tion National Federation of or orn ss n and Professional omens Women's National Federation of or Tem Tem- National Iea League ua of I Voters National Milk Pro- Pro Federation Na National lonal Wo- Wo rade Union league Peace Lion of Friends Jn in America merica n Christian Temperance m. m Womans Woman's International e tor Peace and Freedom Cen- Cen of American Tab nab Association of ot lists eth United Society of or Chrls Chris deavor United Synagogue of ot caT aj World A Alliance for a ak Through the tf |