Show Romance In Evening Of Their Lives Has Tragic End EndI 1 j K I 5 55 S f I q t I I 41 S f S S I 2 I II II r It i S 4 r S 11 PHILIP ABA NEA EA Service Writer SAN FRANCISCO Aug 9 Who Who says we are total losses at at 70 And romance and are only for the younger younger generations Ida Hubbell year old Inmate of the couty relief relle home Is all aU the refutation one needs Ida for whose favor two other Inmates past 70 with coquetry casts aside aBide the survivor Henry Mueller I 75 5 as he waits walts here for tor possible I manslaughter charge The relief home Inmates are all stirred up about it On the he garden benches on the porches or in the inside where these senile bits of ot flotsam from a busy practical practical practical world are cast to die cracked voices shrill in high treble heads nod vigorously f O and canes pound on s 's da d dmu floors 1 r and walks so O interesting e t and mu multisided II is the case to them SMILES 51 FOR BOOM DO For or Ida still stilt bears a youthful firm look despite her threescore and ten years of or misfortune And they do dosay dosay dosay say that her smile and looks has made the heart heard of ot many an old In Inmate Inmate inmate In- In mate speed up alarmingly Not the least of ot those thoo affected were Hugh McCloskey and Henry Mueller They were so keen for tor milady's miladys glances that they eliminated ed all others in pursuit of her favor Then came the green green- green eyed Jealousy to stalk romance In its trip through the home for the aged and by bitterness bitterness bit bit- ternes terne's and recrimination I slay romance with tragedy The old ladles ladies used to giggle at atthe atthe atthe the rivalry between year old Hugh and year old Mueller It was worth dropping their knitting for any day and it was the subject for like child-like Jests among them them- selves The old men too were quick to 10 note how the field fled had narrowed to two and they also arso speculated on which would win i iIda Ida as much the coquette as al In her early days she days she had four nus- nus bands in her time shell she'll tell you you you- was equally nice to both of ot her twains swains But Jealousy was there and between their rivalry and the teasIng teasing teas teas- ing lug of or their companions Benr Henry and Hugh ceased to be pals and became antagonistic AND J JEALOUSY SLEW Then one day they bumped P into ea each eO other h eo on the e stairway r A quarrel quartel tel rel followed with their quavering voices swelling Into of the hatred of ot doting rivals their canes thumped thump the stair rail and then were tl flailed about as the argument grew warmer You leave that woman alone piped one Th Then n McCloskey tripped on one of or orthe the canes and too old to regain his poise fell tell down the stairway He was vas dead Mueller was held In prison one ono day then returned to the relief relle home while authorities pondered over the case And Ida Ida she's through with Mueller Muel Muel- ler er too The Idea men becoming angry and fighting about her I saw them quarreling and I turned my back on them she says with some asperity I never could abide fighting and I dont don't want nothing to do with such And aint I right At any rate the aIm house Inmates Inmates' inmates inmates' In Inmates Inmates' In- In mates' mates drab lives now have havea a new newlight light something light something all can discuss on onan onan onan an eq equal a plane after atter they're tired of ot hearing the life lite stories of the veteran the Improvident and the plain out of S I |