Show He Would Abolish 1 I Board of Pardons Editor Telegram Telegram Telegram-Is la It U possible that not one of the members of the state board of pardons which sat Bat Baton on tho the case of George Parry ha has hall had a a. daughter Can It be that none none non of ot them ha has s ever had a wife Or wa was It that they did not know the tho real history of the crimes f r g which this inhuman was sent to jail jall am Ut Utah h is is' proud of the tho fact that there has never been but one lY lynch lynching ch ching ing In- InIn in her history Had Parr Parry parri lived in almost any part of th th tb United States eSI especially In ln th tI Southern states in 1901 ho he would have saved a pardon the first time ho he was convicted had he lived li in any part of the United States ex except except x Utah in 1910 he would have needed no pardon W WIn In its publication of the the tho crimes of this beast The Telegram Telegram Tele Telegram gram does not tell the real story t f thIs his crimes It could not tell them In the real Words It would have havo so shocked the reader to to- say nothIng nothing noth ing of having the paper go through gh the mail mall that there would have been a a. hundred Indignation m mee me t tings tings t- t ings held within an hour Th There r would have been that many if it the people of Utah had had an Idea bf f what the state board of pardons was about to do f fPaul Paul says Faith hope a nd charity and the greatest of ot chamy Charity is an overworked over oyer work worked d word with some The Thea a ac action tion of the board may be char charity ity 1 for no rio legal reasons were wie given But every father and mother moth mother er who knows even the little which the newspapers could give of the history of ot the Parry case will wUl think little of such charity 1 There are two ways to stop such luck kind of pardons in m Utah Fir First t abolish the board of pardons and the Indeterminate law The judge Judg who sat on the case and the heard evidence and the tho Judge is hUn human n under his oath he gives the prisoner pris- pris oner the tha benefit of the doubt bhe b buhe but bu he knows the facts as they have been presented jj Put all aU par pardoning power for lor an sentence of ten years or more J the makers matters of the law the legis legisla legisla- ture Let the convict file me his for a pardon or parol J least six months before the J lature is to meet then have the th lawmakers pass on the application ri Second let the fathers and especial especially especial especial-a l lly ly the mothers of 01 Utah remember remembers remember the names of 01 those who voted t to tb give Parry a n. pardon and nd see to tot Jt that they are not elected to office again A FATHER WHO KNOWS rIlE TB PARRY CASE |