Show California University Asks Student Listing The school of ot commerce and finance finance fi finance fi- fi nance of ot the University of Utah has received an Invitation from the University of ot California 1 to recommend five of ot the best graduating graduating graduating grad grad- students for teaching fellowships fellowships fel fel- fel at that Institution forthe for forthe forthe the coming school year Thomas Beal dean of ot the school at the University of ot Utah announced th that t reports from Ira B. B Cross chairman of the department of ot business and economics at Berl Berkeley Berke Berke- eley e- e ley Icy are to tho the effect that the five i Utah men holding teaching fellowships fel- fel l fel-l at the present time are I I progressing splendidly and giving entire satisfaction in the work Graduates of ot the University of ot Ut Utah h who are are teaching at the tho California school are S. S P. P Ras- Ras mussen mussen who will return as Instructor in instructor instructor In- In to the University of Utah next year Willard Villard J. J Wilde E. E G. G Sutherland C. C LInford and V. V B. B Etzenhauser all of ot whom will wilt re receive receive re- re masters master's degrees from Berkeley Berkeley Berkeley Ber Ber- keley this June |