Show Belasco Closes All Productions David Dald Belasco has decided ed to close all his hid productions on tour and the B Belasco lasco the theatre tre In New York be- be tuse df Of t th the unsettled co condition of or orth th the th American theatre lt Contracts rr W with members of t the Actors Actors' Equity expire Jun June 1 and there the is no pOl possibility of or organizing ing any dramatic companies during the s spring and coming season without without without with with- out a aC accepting epting the principles of the clos closed d shop to which Mr Belasco is iso o l ed Lenore Ulrich who as has has has' broken the rec record rd bf br every the theatre trl 5 u. u i 1 ute site gnu ti appeared will I end nd h hr r tour a as early as so possible In MIt- MIt Mr air Belasco Int intends to I send Miss Ulric through the west to C California where her seas season n Was vas I to have ended late lale In July Miss Will go to Europe Instead Lionel Barrymore with Irene r wilt will fn W close fo Laugh in the h Laugh New h York Clown I engagement Laugh In st the thC Bel Belasco s o th theatre on March 22 In order t to l make malte a brief tour of the principal I l cities clUes ft Ith ith this the inal Ihal cast before Jun 1 1 David Warfield ld who ho is having a tour toUl in The Merchant of If it Venice wilt will shorten his season by closing early in May H Us has no plans for next hext season The Other Other- Rose Roae will doss close short short- I ly 11 The The ean Belasco theatre t will 1 remain dark a after Match March r 22 unless n Mr i B Belasco Be Be- Be lasco allow ah an outside at attraction at- at traction tb tt come InThis in ln inThis This will be the first time in the history tot or Mr Belasco's Belasco R car career er In Inthe Inthe Inthe the theatre business that he has made no n for tor the spring or coming season long and with dee deep regret Mr Belasco has come cometo cometo cometo to the decision that he cannot dost do justice st to h Isis his theatre t the public or himself Yf by working under df the conditions imposed by the clos closed d shop Chop Many of ot the officers and members members mem mem- bers of ot the l'- l' ler Federation er of Labor have 1 w wOrked red side by side aide with Mr Belasco ha e been in his hig employ and ar Are rJ his hili personal friends but buthe buthe he lie does oes not feel that t the principles which were involved in form fj the American Federation of Labor apply apply ap ap- ap- ap ply to the theatre or In fn fact to any art Mo March 25 tS Republicans of the Sith Missouri MIssouri Mis MIs- congressional district t yest jester jester- r- r day Instructed tw Iw to toe for Pr President Coolidge at al the lie Re- national convention |